Nagitoes x Snas Undertale (You're so uwu)

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     Nagitoe was walking along the beach with his best friend, and crush 😳😏, Sans. Nagitoe had liked Snas for a very longggggg time, ever since Hamjime dumped him ;-;. The two began to walk along the bechside when Nagitoe, stopped. "Komaeda? Why'd you stop?", Snas undertale asked as he tilted his skull. "S-Snas... I was just remembering something sad 😔", Nagitoe replied ;-;. "Oh nu, why u sad, Nagitoe???". "I just remembered, *sniffles* that today is taco Tuesday, but tacos make me commit explosive diarrhea, so I'd just cuddle with Hamjime. 🥺", Nagito began to sob. "I MISS HAMJIME CUZ NOW I CANT CUDDLE ANYONE!!!1!1!!!😭😭😭😭". Snas saw this and became very sad. How could Hinatata do this to him😡😡!? He knew what he had to do. Snas kabedoned the crying Nagitoe against a palm tree. Nagitoe bLuSHED 😳. "S-Snas????". "N-Nagito.. I... I-I'll cuddle with you!! Forever if I need to!!!2!!", Snas said boldly as he blushed slightly. "Oh Snas...", Nagitoe began, bUT HE WAS STOPPED by Snas 😱 kissing him 🤭😍😍😍!! Nagitoe then melted into da kiss. Snas's bony face as cold, but he didn't care.
The End (for now!!! >:3

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