Our love (NH)

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Okay, guys, so I'm like 13, ya know, I know that I have ABSOULTLY NO CHANCES WITH Niall Horan, soooooo, I just fantazie about it on here. Man, I wish that I was older for once.

But yeah, I do swear, so yes, there will be swearing in here. I guess I got pressured into swearing in 5th grade, did it for a week, quit, then started back up in 6th grade and been doing it ever since. I kinda wish I didn't get pressured though because I have a big dirty secret to hide from my parents now, and I'm always scared that I'm gonna slip up, like for example: 

Today, I was in Wal-mart, and my brother said something stupid, so here is what I said: "No ssssssshooot." I ALMOST said shit. Do you know how much of trouble I would've gotten in?! Okay guys, so sorry, I just like expressed how I feel, but I think that's how a lot of us feel. Like, we are influenced by it almost everyday in our lives. But it does feel good to swear, it's like a stress reliver for me, ya know?

Okay guys, I HAVE NEVER KISSED ANYBODY. So, I'm sorry that the 'kiss scences' in here won't be descriptive. Like, I kinda have a feel on what it would be like from reading other stories, but I've never personally kissed anyone. I'm just waiting for a special person to come around. (HINT, HINT, YEAH, I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU NIALL JAMES HORAN, YOU COULD BE MY LAST FIRST KISS.)

So yeah. I know, I'm a miss goodie two shoes. Not really. Well kinda. Idk. I don't think I am, but my friends do. It's complicated guys, it's complicated.

I think that all authors like to put themselves as the main character in their books, so I will too. It's just I'll have my name as Justice, because well, let's be honest here, who likes the name Kyra? (It's not Kira, it's Kyra, it's complicated like my life.) I think my name is too childish. It sounds like a 4 year old name to me. (Sorry to all of you Kyra's out there, it's just my oppinion.) 

So I'm like going to describe myself, so you all can get a feel of Justice.


I have brown hair, with blonde in it at the moment. It was natural blonde, then it changed to a dark brown. I didn't like it, so I changed it back to blonde. My roots started showing and I tried taking the hair dye out, but it didn't work, so I just ended up dying it my natural hair color. (Complication!) I have green eyes, that sometimes change to blue when I'm really happy, it also depends on the weather, but they are mostly green. I have an outgoing personality only when I'm comfortable with someone, otherwise I'm very shy. I'm funny, I'm super sensitive. So please no hate guys. I can take "banter" though. I don't know why, I guess that I've grown up with it. My dad and I have a relationship where  we do that. So I've been around it my whole life.(: Haha!! I'm smart I guess? I don't know, I don't think I am, but my mom is always like "Oh wow, your so smart!" But then again she's proably just saying that because she's my mom. I've only had one boyfriend in my thirteen years of life. The most we did was hold hands on our bus, and we got dared to hug eachother once. That's it. Nothing else. We lasted a little over two months or something. I am chubby, yeah, I'm not afraid to admit it, at all. I have accepted myself for being chubby and I have cut down my food intake, because I'd have like 3 big meals each day, and have 2 big snacks. Now I eat 3 small meals, and no snacks, because I'm trying to get myself skinny. I have been exersicing lately, and it sucks. A lot. I have three true best friends. I switched over to being homeschooled this year, and I lost so many friends. I had about 20, and now I have maybe 6. Maybe we still are friends though, I haven't tried contacting them, and I also bet there schuldule is busy.  But yeah, as you can tell, I am a likeable person at times. I am annoying. Very annoying. I've been told by my best friend that I am annoying, and she was telling the *truth* and I agree with her. I am. Like, on my TOM days, I just want to escape myself because I annoy myself, but I'm kinda stuck. But sometimes, I can be really dumb and stupid. And guess I'm also annoying because sometimes I have really heavy sarcasm moments, I either have a witty comeback, or a sarcasic comment.

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