Chapter 2

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         We walk into my dorm room together, Jazzy dancing in her underwear around the room, why? I don't know. She sees Niall, and dives for her covers. Me and Niall walk into the bathroom, and he takes a washcloth, and wets it down, cleaning my face. "Do you wear makeup?" He asks me, looking at my eyes, checking for mascara or something. "No, I have really bad eyesight, so I wear contacts, and makeup drys them out, and makes it hard for me to see." (A/N: Any of you contact wearers have this problem? I can only wear mascara for like an hour until my contacts dry.) 

"No way someone can be as pretty as you!" I have a look of shock on my face, " think I'm pretty?!" I blurt out trying my very hardest not to laugh. "Yeah! Who doesn't?" He asks me raising his eyebrow. "Uh, my brother, my friends, all of my peers, everybody I meet on the street, the whole human race." I say with a straight face, he expects me to burst out laughing, but I don't. "You are beautiful." He says whispering in my ear. "No, no I'm not. Niall, I have issues with myself. I am fat, my arms are flabby, my thighs jiggle when I walk, my stomach is huge, I have lovehandles, I have a double chin, I have a chubby face, I have chubby fingers, I have an ugly, mean, and rude personality. All what I try to do is be pretty for people but I can't be something that I'm not. I stay true to myself, even if that means, wearing sweatpants, and baggy shirts, and no makeup. I will never be beautiful, and I have accepted it. I will get no where in life. Do you want to know why? Because I am stupid, I get called an idiot. I had to leave school because people were talking behind my back. I am dumb, I have no brains. So, I obviously, won't get a good job. And beauty, I am far from that. I will never be smart or beautiful, ever." 

I turn around and see Niall crying. "I like girls who are curvy, your personality is as beautiful as your body, you do have brains, and beauty, you make people so jealous just by being you." I look down, "Your just saying that. All of you guys just try to build up a girls confidence, so you have a way to break it down. Goodbye Niall." And with that, I head towards the bathroom door, when he grabs my hand. "Yes, I am building up your confidence, but I won't break it down. How would you like it if you got put into the catorgory of 'all you guys?' It's terrible. That's what all of 'you girls' do!" I break out of his strong grip, and just stand there for a second. "I love you....." Niall quickly covers up his mouth after realizing what he said. My eyes pop out. "No! We've just know each other for a few hours! I will not say I love you back because I don't feel that way. You can't just go around telling someone you love them after knowing them for a few hours. Who the fuck does that?! Yes, I do like you, but I don't love you. It's too early to be saying that, because you don't, you just strongly like me." 

"Justice... I didn't mean to-"

"Goodbye Niall." I say walking out of the tiny bathroom. I lay on my bed as Niall exits the dorm room. "I heard everything." Jazzy says quietly. "No shit! Of course you heard everything! Theres only a two inch door seperating us!" Jazzys has a look of shock, "I have a little suspision, you are slightly pissed off." She says tapping her chin. I stand up in a rage, grab my jacket, and walk out of the dorm room, outside into the campus. I walk to a bench in the darkness and sit down, on the cold hard black bench. I hear someone crying, and on the fourth floor, of the boys' dorm building, I can see Niall sitting on his window seat looking outside crying. I watch him, as tears roll down his face, and soon enough, they start pouring out of my eyes too.

"You okay?" I hear a british accent ask. I turn around, and there is a man with brown hair, and green eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I say wipping my eyes. "Are you sure?" He asks me sitting down. "Yeah I'm sure, and you are?" I ask him. "Harry Styles, and you?" He asks me looking deep into my eyes, "I"m Justice Haze." I say looking down. "Your very pretty." He says looking at me. I roll my eyes, "Did Niall send you? Huh? Did he tell you to tell me that I'm pretty?!" I ask standing up. "No, he didn't." He says shaking his head having his curls move against his skin. "He did, your lying." I say turning to walk away. "How'd you know?!" He asks me standing up, walking next to me. "I've been lied to so many times I can tell." I say walking slightly faster. "Nope." He says picking me up in his arms, and throwing me across his shoulder so I dangle. "Where in the hell are you taking me?!" I say angry. "To Niall's obviously, where else?" He asks walking. "I don't know, to your room to murder me, or to my dorm room, which is that way." I say having my arms crossed as I'm upside down, "You know, your cute when your angry. I can see why Niall likes you now." He says entering the building. "No way you can go up the stairs with me, I weigh too much." I say to him cockily. He then walks effortlessly up the stairs. "No way! Your just showing off!" I say as we reach the fourth floor. He sets me down in front of Niall's door, and shoves me in. I see Niall turn around with his tear stained face.

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