Chapter 3

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I wake up, and just as I am about to open my eyes, I can see Matt, staring at me. I snuggle into Niall's chest frightned.

What the hell does he want. Man, I hate this guy.

Then, I think that I hear the sound of a bullet clicking into it's chamber. I quickly open up my eyes. I start flicking Niall's bare stomach until he awakens. He looks to me, and sees fear in my eyes. Then, I feel the pressure of a gun barrel to my head.

"Get up!" I hear Matt say violently. "Don't kill me." I say calmly looking into Matt's brown eyes. "I'll do what I want to." He says looking into my green eyes. "Fine. Then shoot me. Why don't you get it done and overwith?" I ask him. I know he won't do it. He puts his hands on the trigger. I can hear him putting pressure on it, and I close my eyes tightly, ready for an immense amount of pain to enter through my brain, killing me. What the fuck is Niall doing? Then, I hear running down the halls, and then I see 5 policemen, wearing vests come into the room with guns up. "Put the weapon down and the hands up!" I hear one yell. "No!" Matt screams. I feel tears running down my face. I am going to die. Who was I to think that he wouldn't pull the trigger? He will. But then he does the unexpected. He puts the gun down, but then goes running and crashes through the glass of the window, and falls four stories down onto the ground. But.... then he gets up, and runs away.How he managed? No idea.

"Thanks for calling the police.". A man says to Niall. Oh okay, so that's what he was doing. "No problem." Niall says shrugging it off. "We will keep a look out for him. In the meantime, just try to stay indoors." He says to me and Niall, we both nod our heads in sync. 


"Wanna go to the mall?" Niall asks me rasising an eyebrow. "We have to stay indoors." I say shaking my head. "We will be indoors. The mall isn't outside!" Niall says stating the ovious.  "Fine." I say getting up. "I should probably change." I say pointing down to Niall's clothes. "Nah, it looks fine." He says wrapping his hand around my waist. 

We walk out of the dorm building holding hands, and we walk to his rental car for the school year. Niall walks over to the passenger side, "Uhm? Aren't you going to drive?" I ask him. "Oh right! I forgot it's all backwards!" He says facepalming himself. "I'm kinda scared for you to drive now." I say scared, "Eh, I'll get the hang of it." He says running over to the other side hopping in. He starts driving super slow. 

"Niall! Into the other lane!" I scream as we about hit a car head-on. "Okay! Okay!" He says swerving around like crazy. Then I see lights and hear sirens. I facepalm myself. "Pull over, there is a cop behind us." I say rubbing my temples. We pull over, and the cop comes walking up to Niall's window. "Please step out of the vechile. Both of you." He says. O shit. I slowly get out and walk around. "Are you under the influenze, of drugs, and, or alchol?" He says suspicious. "No sir, see, little Niall over here is from Ireland, and he's having troubles adjusting to the American ways." I say pointing over to Niall. "Yeah." He says in his Irish accent. "Oh, okay. I see, would you like me to give a police escort?" The old officer asks us. We eagerly nod our heads. "Okay, I'll take it nice and slow. Where are ya headed to?" He asks us. "The mall." Niall says to him. "Okay, follow me." He hops in his car, as do we, and we slowly drive to the mall. 

We finally get there, and thank the policeman, and walk hand-in-hand into the mall. "Where to first?" Niall asks me. "I don't know. Where do you want to go?" I ask him. "Your choice, really, you decide." He says looking at me. "Well, I do need some more clothes." I say smiling. "What store?" He asks wondering. "How about Rue 21?" I ask him. He nods his head and we start walking. 

I start grabbing jeans and shirts like crazy, and I walk into the changing room, while Niall sits outside, on his phone.  After about ten minutes I get 18 out of the 23 clothes I brought in. The total comes to $102.93. I am just about to pull out my change my mom gave me, but then I hear the cashier say "And would you like change?" And then Niall say, "No thanks." I look over to Niall, "No, really Niall, I have some money my parents gave me." I turn to the cashier, "Can you please give him back his money?" Just as he is about to pull it out, Niall says no. And then we get into a 'yes no argument.' Ugh.

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