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As I made it to the other side, I was met with the familiar face of Yinsen looking straight at me with a smile.
**edited** ******NO WAY HOME SPOILERS****
I cautiously eyed Yinsin for a while taking in the fact that he too, is here, and has been looking for me.
"Now you can stand there staring, but then that will only waste time..." he started. Time?
"Time for what?" I began but backtracked. "Hold on- wait. You. You're here- your family? Did you see them again?" I asked remembering the last thing he told me before his death.
He laughed, "Yes, yes I did, in fact, they are waiting for me right now so we can go for an outing but before I can do that, I need to save you... again" he added.
"Save me from what?" I asked, once again feeling puzzled.
"Death" was his short reply. Oh.

"Hate to break it to you buddy... but you're approximately... wait what day is it? I don't know- you're a bit late though..." I slowly say not understanding what he's getting at. I've been feeling like that a lot lately. I don't like it.
"But do you have to? Remain dead, that is?" -pardon?
"Uhhh... that is the general consensus of death... you stay dead..." I reply again with that same awful feeling.
"That's because most people die of natural causes. Not a gamma radiated gauntlet holding the power of space, time, soul, mind, power, and reality on your knuckles. Or throwing yourself off a cliff to collect the stone guarding all souls" He says matter-of-factly. Fair enough.
"So wait wait, what are you- do you mean to tell me that Nat and I have a chance at living again?" There's no way.
"Aren't you supposed to be some kind of genius?" He mocked.
"Oh right my apologies your excellency I didn't exactly think of studying all the endless possibilities for a dead man, I was a little busy trying to live". This made him laugh- I'm so glad he finds this so humorous because he won't be laughing so hard if he keeps this up.
"Well obviously the honor of this decision isn't offered to just anyone because then most people wouldn't be here, however, the board of judges- the ones that determine exactly where each soul deserves to go after they pass- have decided that you and Natasha haven't completed your purposes yet."
"How do you know so much about this? Why did the board of dead people lawers go to you and not tell me directly?" I questioned.
"Well about that..." Just then Yinsen started to glow causing a blinding light, however, just as fast as the light appeared, it also dispersed and revealed an old man wearing very ancient clothing in place of Yinsen. "I am Oscelius, a descendant of Zeus and one of the uh board of dead people lawyers- as you put it. Sorry for the disguises we all figured it would be less shocking to hear this news from someone we can tell you have a lot of respect for. I am here to answer any of your questions and if you decide to accept our offer, I'm here to escort you back to your life" He explains.
"If Yinsen was never here in the first place then where is he?" I immediately questioned.
"This isn't the final destination to the souls of the deceased. It is what you can call the waiting room before they can enter their final resting place. Everyone here has a form of unfinished business that they must complete before moving on. All the souls here have the potential to move on to a better place which is why we give them this chance instead of sending them to a worse place right away. Yinsens sacrifice leads us to come to the conclusion that he can deserve to go to the better place right away and be reunited with his family". So Yinsen is happy and in a better place... it felt as if a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders knowing that he got what he wanted. A chance to be with his family. Another question came to find just then, however,
"Wait descendant of Zeus? You mean Zeus is real?"
"Arent you friends with Thor? Norse gods aren't the only ones out there you know...Now come on we must not waste any time I must explain this to Natasha as well." He said as we walked through the portal again where the others were still waiting.
After catching the others up on everything I know he continued saying, "Now that you all know the basics of what your potential freedom from this place looks like" he paused then turned to look directly at Nat and me, "I need to know what you want before I can continue and tell you the rest. So what do you say? Would you like to go back to your families?"
I turned to look at my parents silently asking them what they thought. Nat looked towards us just as unsure. My mother started "Now Natasha, I haven't had the pleasure of getting to really know you, however from what I do know, you haven't gotten the chance to live your life fairly. You willingly gave up your chance at a future so you could help your friend give my son and the others a way to save the world with no hesitation. That is a selfless hero who deserves every bit of love and happiness she can get."
Dad continued also turning towards Nat saying, "I couldn't have put it better if I tried, so I'll put the hero aspect aside. You helped a very good friend of mine move on onto a happier path in life. You reminded him that his only purpose is not just being America's hope but he can also live his life. You truly do seem like a very kind and selfless person and I can see how these higher powers are not ready to let go of you." My parents then both turned towards me.
My mother took a deep breath before she started: "And my son... where do I even start with you? Even though we both failed you and after we were gone life was not kind to you and you were put into a position in which most people would become the kinds of people you fight, You became a wildly celebrated hero. You found a way to have a family and took in a young boy under your wing and eventually became the best father he could ever ask for. You became the person who the world can rely on, the hope that the world clearly needed. You deserve this and so much more" she said as she walked towards me and grabbed my hand. She looked to my dad who came up to us and cleared his throat before continuing,
"You are the person I always dreamed I could be. The person who deserves the love of those around him. The person who even though he still makes mistakes, finds a way to fix them and make the world a better place in the process. I couldn't be any more proud of the person you are now, there is no better person I could think of to carry on our family's legacy."

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