waking up... AGAIN!

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i'm writing this from SyysX, it's a music thingy that is once in year, and everyone else has been awesome singers and rappers, but now here is this awful heavy metal band and everyone are like yelling at them to get out and noooo they just keep going D: but after this is Juno<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 i love him!

but right now, it's torture! the lead singer of this heavy metal band is like 40 years old and hes awful and EWWW D:


hi again! i'm back at home amd Juno was amazing! he was just so hot and cute and i love him, okay! but i'm so jealous my sisgot a pic with him and his autograph! and i didn't! ;( but anygay



~Harry's pov~

me and my bestfriend Zayn are having some fun, and teaching this kid a lesson not to touch me, ever! He groans from pain and we laugh, that fag needs to know to stay away from me! suddenly i quit kicking him, someone is watching us with liam and.... louis.

~Zayn' pov~

" somebody is staring at us" i look behind me and i see a short, pale, guy with the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen.... wait what the fuck i'm Zayn Malik, the schools badboy, i don't thing that someones eyes are beautiful!.... but i am sure i've seen him in somewhere... i'm not sure why.

i turn back when the blondie gets up and starts to walk away. Just when i'm about to kick the guy again, i hear loud yell


i turn around and i see the blondie laying in the ground, and i roll my eyes, and turn back. damn when did that guy run away!

wait... niall

HELL YES! it's Niall horan from Ireland! i smile to myself and harry looks at me like i've gone mad

"why are you having a creepy pedo smile on your face?" he asks me looking at me weirdly.

i tell him about Niall and he being gay. this is gonna be awesome!

but why does it feel so bad right now?

~Louis' pov~

we are sitting by a tree, just me, Niall and Liam. Niall is laying down and Lili is in twitter with his iPhone. everything seems almost perfect.

but there is always that almost, sigh.

there are the schools bullys, Zayn and Harry. Zayn moved here few years back, and he immediatly started to hang with Haz- i mean Harry.

what Lili, or anyone else in this school dont know is, me and Haz- DANG IT! i ment harry were best friends, we were always together and a day didnt go by, we didnt play together. ofcourse we are not even talking to eachother anymore, it changed a long time ago, while we were 13, my mom sent me here, and a few years ago also hazzabea- FOR GODS SAKE! harry's mother sent him here too. and guess what was the first thing he did to me when he saw me?

he beat the shit out of me.

and now he is beating that kid in there with Zayn. they laugh when the kid groans from pain, and Nialler's head snaps at them. he stares at them until harry says something to Zayn and he turns to look at us.

All the colour drains from Niall's face. His eyes get filled with fear. He gets up and says

"i dont feel so good" he starts to walk to the dorms.I was just about to tell hi he doesnt look so good, he collapses

"NIALL" both me and Liam yell when he hits the ground.

we jump up and run to him. I try his pulse. it's there, but he looks so pale you could accidently think him as a ghost... okay not a good time for that.

Liam lifts him in a bridal way and he starts to run... but where? OH to see the nurse!

but why did he got so afride when he saw Zayn? hm.... i shall ask him... when he wakes up again...

i dont know i need some starbucks....

~Niall's pov~

UGH the darkness is here again. WELL BRILLIANT! i see some light and muffeled noises

"did you see the look in his eyes when he saw Zayn?" a voice says...Louis?

"what look? i didn't see anything" another voice says...Liam?

" i dont know, he looked scared." louis says again

oh god please dont ask me about it! i'm not ready to tell everyone that i'm gay. I finally have friends i dont want to lose them too!

i open my eyes, which is alot more easier than last time

 i see two worried faces looking at me. i smile at them

"um... hi?" i say. aghh! my head is killing me!

i lift my hand on my forhead and i feel something... stitches? i look at them questiongly

" yeah when you fell you hit your head on a rock" Liam says with a warm smile

it's silent for a while until louis asks

"Niall, why did you look so scared after seeing Zayn?"

well fuck. i guess i have no choise

"well... He used to be my bully back in Ireland..." i say quietly

"why did he bully you" louis asks again

"it's because i'm..... gay"

i look at my hands, not daring to look up. waiting for their expressions

"Niall....." Liam starts

here it comes, they are going to beat me and call me names and spread it around the school and i'll be friendless again. i knew it!

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