Ch 46 | A mother's love

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EDITED ○please, please, please listen to that music above. It fits in with this chapter so much, I am sure it won't disappoint you

*This chapter does not have much Mirae-Jungkook moment*
the girl needs her mom guys —just as we do ;))

Ch 46 | A mother's love  

A mother is a daughter'sforever friend

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A mother is a daughter's
forever friend. 

 — Unknown



"...What are you doing here?"

It was awkward.

Very awkward. Mirae-ah felt her breathing hitching on her throat. She felt her blood flowing violently in her veins. She felt a heave of emotions hitting her. 

Her mother smiled, she bit her lower lip restraining her tears from falling. 

She instantly noticed...

the ring on Mirae's left hand 'So it is true'

She wasn't disappointed, she wasn't angry. She was instead, insecure —

She promised, long ago, nearly 28 years ago, when her sister was pregnant with Mirae.

She promised —her child or not, boy or girl. She'll treasure the little baby in her heart. Like her own flesh and blood.

She'll watch the child grow, filling her with love and affection.

But —the mere emotion, Insecurity.

It ruined everything, no, not just the emotion. Mirae's mother felt angry at herself.

Frustrated for breaking that one promise of taking care of Mirae-ah.

"Come in, it's cold outside mom. Why don't you have a coat!" Mirae pulled her mother inside her apartment scolding her a bit. 

Trying to shake off that feeling in her. Because her number one priority is to keep her mother safe. 

She stayed in guard with her enemy as she quickly looked left and right the corridor before closing the door.

Jungkook installed multiple hidden CCTV cameras for extra protection. So many that you won't be able to count on your hands and toes.

It was Saturday, so no work for Mirae.

Mainly because Jungkook does not want Mirae to work on the weekends. On that, Mirae-ah couldn't argue.

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