Ch 62 | Eternità

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Ch 62 | Eternità

Step 3: Be a fighter!             —Unknown

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Step 3: Be a fighter!

It was freezing, to the point flowers were frozen into the mile depth of the blue ocean. Every scarce and brutality hanging into the thin air. Cold blood rushed like little dark fairies —criminalizing every corner of the planet.

Jungkook rose from the ground, he tasted the cold blood on his lips.

His eyes were sore. The greenery in his eyes was shattered mirrors.

Piercing darkness; reflected beast. A monster awoke within its scarred heart.

His knuckles red —mixed of bitterness and a century of darkness.

His breathing, ragged, heavy like a 1000-year-old chained beast. He was covered in blood from different angles painted on his white shirt.

He let go of the person whom he had just beaten up. The police officers tried to stop him. But it was no use, he nearly killed the guy. The guy who said his child died, the guy who said his wife is on the verge of her death.

Jungkook nearly strangled him until the police tried to get Jungkook off. It pissed him even more that Mr. Park was nowhere in sight. The bastard left the warehouse 2 hours before the police surrounded the scene.

At the end of the day, Jungkook will not let a single one of them out without a death sentence. If he has to he'll hire a professional lawyer just to put those fuckers locked in prison. Forever.

Mirae was quickly taken into the ambulance and tried to give her special medicine to make her vomit out the drug before its control over her system.

As soon as she reached the hospital, they took her to an emergency room and immediately put an oxygen mask on her. They already cleared out her stomach making her vomit all the content out in the ambulance.

"What happened to my daughter!" Mrs. Lee cried holding Jungkook's hand. At times like this, he would've snapped for touching his hand.

His head was eating up —he was only thinking of his wife and the child.

Jungkook's eyes were red, his knuckles were bruised and cut. His bottom lip was busted, the media piled outside like sack garbages.

"Drugged her and killed the child" he spoke silently, his voice was empty. His eyes were glistening but oddly no tears left his eyes.

The pain was suffocating him. His head was banging with pain and stress.

They wanted to get a scoop of Jungkook's heroic act. It was stupid, so stupid. It's money that they all thinks of.

"W-what?" Her mother cried out, "t-the b-baby, my grandchild..." she stuttered, consciously falling on the floor. She sat on the floor trying to figure something out.

Nothing. Nothing. Losing a child is the biggest sin that could crumble an entire universe.

Jungkook slowly looked in the far distance noticing Mirae's dad slowly leaving. Her father couldn't even bear to be outside his daughter's room.

It felt worse for him, hearing that he lost a grandchild sickened him to death. It was like a part of him emptied out.

Jungkook sighed biting his lips in a painful manner, he didn't care about the cut. Is it wrong to say that he wanted to cry?

Would it make him less of a man?

His head was eating him up. Suddenly he stood up seeing the doctor coming out finally after 6 hours. Jungkook didn't even get a blink of sleep. He will not sleep until not knowing about his beautiful wife.

He will protect her.

He will give his heart and soul to her.

He will protect her. He will put his own life for her.

No matter what, no matter... he'll always love her. Always and forever.

"Doctor, m-my daughter?" Mirae's mother silently cried, looking hopeful at the doctor.

He struggled to let the words out. He wore a professional mask keeping a genuine sympathy in his eyes.

Jungkook didn't speak. He was tired inside out. His eyes were so tired and sore yet he forced himself to keep awake for the sake of his wife. He doesn't care if he gets sick or catches a fever. His first priority will always be Mirae.

"After taking drugs normally after a long time it affects the child when pregnant. The drug Mr. Park created is randomly mixed with different kinds of drugs. The extreme danger of these is the miscarriage, it attacks the fetus really badly to the point it affects the mother's womb driving the mother herself to death —" he hesitantly explained a little at first.

"I would like to show you the ultrasound personally," the doctor said.


A nurse injected vitamin in Mirae's arm, they had just washed her hair and cleaned the bruises on her face. She had been in the hospital for a week now.

Jungkook's parents, especially his mom came very often. Mirae's best friend visited just this morning. Whereas Jungkook only went home for 20 minutes and within those times he had just changed his clothes and took a quick shower.

That's it, for the rest of the week he spent his time in his wife's room. He ate hospital food, he didn't care about the taste, it pained him to see his wife pale and weak.

It made him lose out sometimes if he was a teenager he would've drawn himself cut himself, even worse much to his disappointment he would've tried to kill himself. He is an adult now, he needs to be with Mirae to carry her stress and pain.

Mirae opened her eyes, seeing a white ceiling. She slowly turned herself seeing Jungkook sleeping on the side of the bed. He laid his head as he held onto her hand. He didn't speak to his parents nor Mirae's parents.

He didn't speak to anyone.

He couldn't bring himself. He suddenly blinked, slowly opening his eyes fully. He stood realizing his wife was moving her hands in which Jungkook held.

She managed to speak out in a mere whisper, "My child... my baby, how's my child?" She tried hoarse out. Her throat was dry.

Jungkook realized the heart monitor increased, making awful beeping noises in the room

"Love, don't worry" Jungkook tried to calm her down.

"No! What happened to my child!" she yelled, trying to remove her self from Jungkook's hold. She cried, releasing the tears. She noticed the glistening in Jungkook's eyes as she slowly calmed down.

"What happened, Jungkook love, please?" she asked pained.

She prepared for the worse.

Jungkook smiled in a painful smile, kissing her hand, "Sweetheart, our child is a fighter. That little thing gripped to your umbilical-cord —like its life depended on it. It fought hearing its mother's pain"

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