Do you ever experienced being treated in a very special way??
Always asking if you ever eaten your breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snack.
Always asking where you are and what you do..
Always checking you out..Simple gestures that you put meaning on it..
They say that i assume too much that I am a kind of person who easily fall to a guy.
I guess I am,,
But, is it really my fault?
I know that every thing he did to me is very common that you can even considered it as a friendly gestures, but...
How about the late night calls, the exchange of sweet messages..
The i love you's that he always say to me..The possesiveness that he shows and the jealousy that he always admit everytime that he always see me talking or texting to another guy even if it is really my brothers..
Funny how everyone told me to stay away from you,
To not get attach to you,
And to not fall in love with youCause you are the type of guy that makes every girl in town fall in your charms but you will never catch them, that in the very end after you get what you really want and use them, you will leave them behind and treat them nothing.
I don't believe them at first..
I treat you fairly,
I never judge you on who you are eventhough you told me your darkest secret..
All I ever show you is kindness nothing negative on that.
I support you and I always listen and try to understand all your sentiments..
I am always here from you..But all I ever receive from you are lies, pain and hurt..
One-sided Heartbreak
BeletrieDon't expect too much on someone co'z too much expectation can lead too dissapointment