Chapter 4 4/8

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New Characters

Kyle's best friend Ghast boy=Xzaale=Trent

Zoe: Kyle when is he going to be here?

Kyle:I don't know he just said he would be here soon!

(Dinng Dong)

Zoe: Finally.

Trent: Hey!


Zoe: Come in.

Kyle: Trent we have to tell you somthing.

Trent: What is it

Zoe: You knew that me and Kyle were dating but...

Kyle: you do not know that I proposed to Zoe.

Trent: You did!

Kyle: Yes!

Trent: Congrats guys.

(Haley knocks on door)

Zoe: HALEY!!!

Haley: Hey girl i just stopped by to welcome Trent here and somethings might change..

Trent: ohh right Zoe Kyle I moved into the naboorhood and I am exstied to be here!

Zoe: Well welcome to the Naboorhood.

Trent: Thank you.

Haley: Who wants to go to the bar tonight!

Zoe: I do i have never been to one!

Trent: Lets do it then!

Kyle: I do not see why not!

Haley:Ok then it is a group party today!

(That night)

Zoe: Kyle are you ready yet?

Kyle:Yes i am coming i was texting Trent if he needs a ride come with us.

(Ding Dong)

Zoe:Wow Trent you got jere fast!

Trent: Thats why you all called me Speed when we were in 3rd grade!

Zoe: haha!

Kyle: Are we all ready?

Zoe:Yay i think so what about you Trent?

Trent: Yay lets go!

(At the night club)

Zoe: HALEY!!

Trent: HALEY!!!


Zoe: Guys follow me.

Haley: I got us some drinks!

Zoe: Cheers.

Kyle: Cheers!

Trent: Cheers!

Haley: Cheers!

Zoe:Wow that was awsome.

Kyle: Zoe follow me it is a slow dance.

Kyle: Just follow me.

(Song : whooo whooo When i look at you i imagaine i buetifal face. when i think about you i close my eyes and dream about you just who am i with you who i am is not inportant who you are is my life. Stay with me stay with me Baby i will love you today and forever whooo whoooo whooo who am i without you eho are you without me what shall we do u do not know but i love you. Stay with me Stay with me baby don't go Just STAY with me

Whooo whoo whoo whooo i am nothing without youuuu)

(song plays in back ground)

Kyle: I love you .

Zoe:I love you too.

(Kyle tounge kisses Zoe)

Zoe: Umm..I love you too.

(Kyle does a swirl with Zoe and the starts to tounge kiss her again)

Zoe: Kyle will you promise me something.

Kyle: Yay.

Zoe: After we marry amd get to the house can we try for a baby.

Kyle: Sure u have always wanted to be a dad.

(Zoe tounge kisses Kyle)

Zoe:ummm. Kyle i want a baby.

Kyle: Me too.

Haley: Hey guys i have some more drinks!

Zoe: Lets go get a drink.

Trent: Haley this flavor is amazing what is it?

Haley: It is Carribianie Blue head light.

Zoe: Yum this is Carribianie Blue head light.

Haley: So you have had this.

Zoe:Yay i sneaked a drinks when i was little.

Kyle: Hey Zoe you want to go home and plan wedding stuff

Zoe: Sure

Trent: Bye haley I rode with them

Haley: Bye guys it was fun

(back at home)

Zoe: ok so we are going to have a mix color in outfits i will have mostly green and a little bit of purple and you will have mostly purple and a little bit of green.

Kyle: Sounds great so about the baby

Zoe: Ohh yah we need to get a bany's room ready before we make a baby

Kyle: Ok sounds great

Zoe: I am tired I am just going to bed but keep working on the invitations

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