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Hey, before I begin this story I just wanted to say that  it would be great if you could comment some truths or dares that you want to see Marinette, Alya, Adrien and Nino do (I will also be using some of my own to make the story go how I plan it hehe)  :)


Marinette's POV

"Hey, anyone free tonight," Alya calls to me, Nino and Adrien. "I was just wondering if you guys wanted to have a sleepover."

"I'm down dudes," Nino says.

"I'll check with my father and I don't think I have any photoshoots today so I should be able to go." Adrien then quickly sends a message to his dad.

"I'm free to," directing this to Alya. Then turing towards the boys, "I-if you want w-we can have the slee-eepover at my house because my parents are out for the weekend due to some b-baking compet-tition." I stutter nervously while I feel my cheeks heat up from seeing Adrien's gorgeous face - snap out of it!

"My father says I can go," Adrien says excitedly. "And that would be awesome Marinette, see you guys later." He pats my shoulder before walking off with Nino. 

My face turns red with a dreamy expression as Alya looks at me funny. "You okay girl? Looking a bit dazed." Then a smirk forms on her lips, "Oooh, I see. Thinking about a particular someone who's going to be sleeping at your house tonight, huh?" She says nudging me. I turn even more red but I quickly say my goodbye and rush off to my house.

"Can you believe it Tiki? Adrien. THE Adrien Agreste it going to be staying at my house tonight! I must be dreaming!" Spinning around happily on my dest chair.

"Well you better start to clean you room if Adrien is gonna be coming over." She giggles, "Unless you want him to see all of the photos and harts of him on all of your walls." Sudden realisation hit me and I jump to my feet and hurriedly start to pull off all of my pictures of him. Once I finished, I hung some fairy lights around the room and turned the lights off to get more of a sleepover vibe as it was starting to get dark. I then changed into my comfy Chat Noir onesie that I made.

The door bell rings and I open the door to see Alya, Nino and Adrien outside. I invite them in and once we settle on the floor of my room, Adrien says to me, "I like your Chat Noir onesie, did you make it yourself?"

I blush furiously at the compliment but reply, "Y-Yes I d-did, th-thank you."

For a while we just talked about random stuff, and I noticed I wasn't stuttering anymore when I was talking to Adrien (me being lazy) which was quite surprising but I didn't mind. The suddenly Alya exclaims, "Lets play truth or dare! Everyone plays truth or dare at sleepovers." And we all agree.


Please leave feedback as this is my first fanfic as well truth and/or dares in the comments you would like to see (might not do some depending on what it is). Next part should hopefully be coming soon but I don't know.

Luv ya'll and peace out my guys, gals and non-binary pals!

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