Truth or Dare

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Alya's POV

"Okay, I'll go first," I say, already knowing the perfect thing to do. "Marinette, truth or dare?"

"Oh, uhh, truth?" This came out as a question, showing that she was nervous. Probably from the smirk on my face.

"Chicken!" I yell jokingly and we laugh. "So, Marinette Dupain-cheng, who is your crush?" I say teasingly and her cheeks turn red and in my head I'm saying; yes, this is finally the time when she confesses to Adrien. Who's a genius? I am! 

"Well..." she starts. "I uhh, might possibly, kind of have a very small, teensy weensy, miniature crush on... adrienagreste." She mumbles the last part so no one would hear.

"Come on silly," I try to encourage her, even though knowing that her crush wasn't at all in anyway small or teensy weensy. 

"Yeah dudette, spill," internally I scream; not helping Nino

"Fine, I have a crush, quite a big one actually, on Adrien Agreste," she says quite loudly, a bit frustrated.

I glance over to Adrien who was sitting very silent staring at Marinette with some pink at his cheeks, obviously in shock and thinking about something. "Uhhh, dude you cool?" Nino asks him.

"What?" He snaps out of his trance. "Oh, yeah, I'm good." I noticed him blush a bit more, and when I turn to face my best friend, she's as red as a tomato. Most likely having realised that she just confessed to her crush and internally stressing out like crazy. 

But I snap her out of it by saying, "Girl, it's your turn to pick someone."

"Oh right," she replied still a bit flustered. "Ummm... Nino truth or dare?"

"Dare obviously," came his instant reply which I just rolled my eyes at.

"I dare you to... kiss Alya on the lips!" she says excitedly. Now it was my turn to blush, and she noticed this, saying, "Oh come on, it's not like you two aren't dating." This was true, Nino and I had only started a few months ago, so he pulled me close and filled the gap between us and kissing me.

" This was true, Nino and I had only started a few months ago, so he pulled me close and filled the gap between us and kissing me

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(Marinette and Adrien in the back tho 😂😂)

Marinette POV

Once they pull away, Adrien and I were just staring at them, but Nino continues on with the game as if nothing happened. Which I'm sure Alya  appreciated this as it saved them from a lot of embarrassment. "Alright, who to choose... Adrien! Truth or dare?"

"Ummm okay, truth."

"Aww, no fun (*insert Nino sad face*). Anyways, Adrien, what is your deepest, darkest secret, something that you've never told anyone, not a single soul."

Adrien was looked really nervous and started to break a sweat. I was a bit confused at first as I thought it wouldn't be that bad. But then I thought about my secret and that I didn't know what people were going through. Even if I do kinda stalk Adrien... only a bit.

"My deepest darkest secret?" He asked while giving a nervous laugh. "Well I can't really think of anything."

"Come on dude, you kinda making it obvious that you're hiding something."

"Okay fine. My deepest, darkest secrets, something that I've never told anyone before, not a single soul, is that I am ..."


MUAHAHAHA I'M SO EVIL! I hate cliffhangers myself so I'm sorry for that. I just felt like it was necessary, and if it had kept going this chapter would be too long. I also feel as though my story is dragging on a bit so please let me know what you think. And just a reminder to feel free to put some truth or dare suggestions in the comments (you don't have to, I don't mind).

Luv ya'll and peace out my guys, gals and non-binary pals!

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