Secrets Revealed

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Adrien's POV 

"Okay, my deepest darkest secret is..." Oh no, is this really happening? Am I about to reveal to my closest friends who I really am? What if they start treating me differently, or don't like me anymore? Snap out of it Agreste! They are nice, loving people. What's the worst that could happen right? "Is that I am..." I continued hesitantly. Sighing, I finally let the cat out of the bag (see what I did there 😏), "I'm Chat Noir!"

Everyone was silent. Staring blankly at me with wide eyes and mouths hanging open. I can't believe I just did that. No no no, what if they tell everyone and then Master Fu won't trust me with the miraculous and take it away?! What if the next Chat Noir doesn't give Plagg enough cheese and then he'll starve! No! Then I'll never marry Ladybug, have 3 kids and a hamster! (bit dramatic this one aye) 

"This. Is. So. AWESOME!" Alya said, finally breaking the silence. "I can't wait to put this on the ladyblog! Yes! Gonna get so many followers from this!"

"WHAT?!! ALYA NO!" Came I instant reply once I processed what she had said. "You can't tell anyone. No one's supposed to know. Promise you'll keep this a secret. All of you."Nino nodded, Alya looked a little disappointed but agreed, while Marinette still seemed to be in shock.

Marinette's POV

OH. MY. GOD. This can't be! All along, this whole entire time! My crush has been flirting with me... and I've rejected him every single time! No, I can't believe it!

"Uhhhh.... Marinette?" I suddenly come back to earth, still very confused with what had just happened. "Girl, you okay? You've been staring at Adrien weirdly for almost 5 minuets. And not the usual weird." Alya winked at me when she said the last part, causing me to blush.

"Can we please just continue on with the game like I didn't tell you anything?" Adrien sounded a bit nervous when he said this. "Um it's my turn right? Well..."

"WAIT NO!" Nino yelled, making my ears ring. "We know Adrien's secret, I wanna know Marinette's now. You know, it'd be cool if she was Ladybug, am I right? My 2 closest friends being the superheroes of Paris." He was joking but this still made me really nervous.

"Ha, well about that..." I dragged on. "I uh, kind of umm... how do I put this? Well, to get to the point, I am Ladybug okay." I put on a half scared half nervous smile, not sure what I was hoping for.

This time it was Adrien's turn to stare at me. But after a while he run up to me and gave a ginormous hug. I was shocked at first, but then I hugged him back. He was so warm I could have stayed wrapped in his arms forever, until someone cleared their throat, making us separate from each other. "Sooo... like, are you two dating now or what?" Alya's question surprised both of us, not quite knowing the answer.

But then Adrien formed a smile on his lips, looking at me softly, looking at me as if I was the most precious thing in the universe, "Yes, yes we are." This caused me to smile too. Then he leaned in close and kissed me. And it was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt in my whole entire life.

Once we pulled away, Nino said, "So, since we're confessing here, I'd just like to say that I still sleep with a blankie (Idk if other countries call it this, it's basically a small kinda blanket thing that you cuddle when you were little. Aussies just like to abbreviate everything lol)." We all laughed at this and played truth or dare (which ended up with us just asking random questions) for quite a long time until we fell asleep on the floor.


Hey guys! This story kinda ended up being a reveal with like 2 truths but oh well. I think this is the last chapter so I hoped you liked it. This is the first fanfic I've ever written so it's kinda crap but pls let me know what you think of it, that would mean a lot ♡. I might start writing another story which would either be a miraculous or medoran chronicles fanfic but I'm probs going to end up doing both anyways, just depends on what ideas I get first or something. 

Luv ya'll and peace out my guys, gals and non-binary pals!

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