19 | Like a Taylor Swift Song...

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{an: I've actually been AWOL and MIA in everything right now, even in school. I've been so busy because it's been spirit week and homecoming is about to come! I'm super excited and I'm trying my actual best to update and also do my homework at the same time! Wishing good luck to me!} 

| Dylan O'Brien | 

I waited patiently sitting on the Teen Wolf high chairs. I tapped my foot as a way of my mind just telling me that I needed to jump out and do something. I could take out my phone, but it was currently sitting on my trailer couch. I looked up to see Selena and Holland still

My head went up like a squirrel when Holland appeared in my vision. I frowned when I didn’t see the certain brunette right next to her. They just finished a scene together, so they should be like right next to each other.

“Holland! Where’s Selena?” I asked without even minding asking her anything that has happened to her.

Holland gave me a sudden smirk. “You mean your girlfriend? I actually don’t even because I saw her talking to Jeff.”

I nodded. “I’ll go see her then.” I walked off towards the school set before I heard Holland calling me out.

“Hey! Write about something special.” I knew what she was talking about. She was talking about the story we needed to make.

I searched through the hallways and looked at the place where there was a lot of people. I finally saw Selena walking with Jeff. Her face was different, it looked serious and sad at the same time. That was totally a bad thing.

Selena looked up to see me with a quick smile on her face. Her mouth moved a few more times towards Jeff before leaving him off and going to me. “Hey, I see you waited for me.”

I couldn’t help, but smile as well. “Of course. You wanna head over somewhere?”

Her face lit up. “Do you want to come over my house? My mom dropped off some food before she left the city for some vacation.”

“That could work.”

We went to the trailers and started to get ready to go home. Selena and I both separated so I could follow her tracks towards her car. It wasn’t really that bad of an idea except that meant we both drove alone. How boring was that?

The car ride wasn't as long as I thought since Selena drove rather not slow. I looked at the gate that we were about to get into. Ohhh, she's freaking rich! She probably lives in a mansion.

After moments of arriving at her place, the gates opened while we paraded with our cars. I turned off the engine and looked at the time. 7:36. It was still bright outside. I followed suit when I saw Selena getting out of her car and taking her stuff out then into the house.

Her house looked larger than I suspected. She always told me that she had guest over, but it’s too big to be just alone with. But I guess, we all live differently! I stood behind her while she opened to an enormous entrance with huge stairs leading to the top level. It was huge. “Sorry if it’s messy. I really haven’t had enough time to clean up because of such a busy schedule.”

I looked around, there wasn’t any mess. “Are you kidding me? This isn’t messy. What could you even call my house then?”

She giggled. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll try to order some pizza or something.”  

I nodded and watched her off her own way inside her house. I roamed around to the living room with two huge couches. It’s impossible to think that I’m inside Selena Gomez’s house. If I was ever not famous and said that to anyone then they’d never believe me. There was a lot of pictures around the walls from friends to family.

must be love ↣ dylena [completed]Where stories live. Discover now