46 | Bieber Fever

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{an: thanks for the 1K votes for this series guys! It's such an amazing birthday gift! My birthday is on Saturday! yaaaay! 10 or more votes for next update!}

| Selena |

Another day locked inside the studio. My feet were propped up on the small table in front of me. I crossed my arms in front of me. This was my last day before having at least a whole day without any interruptions. I was thankful that Shawn decided to rush the whole process of making the tracks in advance so I at least had time for myself to chill and relax.

"Selena, you know you can leave to go somewhere right?" Shawn turned his seat looking at me. "You can go eat!"

"But I don't have anyone to go with. I don't go without anyone." I explained with a pout on my face.

Shawn just chuckled at my facial expression. "You're lucky since Justin is coming in just a few minutes. He might go with you since you're Selena Gomez and you guys need to communicate since he's a real keeper for the singing industry."

I shrugged. "Having just one song getting famous with lyrics repeatedly saying 'Baby, baby, baby oh' doesn't show his true personality. What if he's rude?"

He squinted his eyes at how dumb my comment was. "He's nice! He's young! He's supposed to respect his elders."

"Wait, am I that old that I have to become his elder?" I asked him since I knew nothing about Justin.

"Well, get to know him then." Shawn went back to his computer turning away from me.

I sat back and waited for minutes to pass until I saw a shadow appear at the door. It looked like a figure one guy from the look of it. I walked over to the door to see Justin with just a regular white shirt and on the go clothes to be as comfortable as he wanted.

I stayed silent hoping he would say the first hello. "Selena!" He greeted all of a sudden coming in for hug. I froze immediately not knowing what to do, but he might have felt the awkward tension I was feeling so he quickly let go of me. "Sorry."

"That's fine." I smiled softly straightening my purple long sleeve that hung off shoulder. "Hey, are you hungry?"

The corners of his mouth twitched a bit. "Um, actually I just ate... But I could come with you if you wanted."

I nodded. "Yeah, there's a close eatery just a few minutes away. I hope you don't mind walking."

"But I'm Justin Bieber... I can do anything!" Justin puffed his chest high.

I let out a small laugh from his attempt masculine scene just right now. I scurried in the couch to fetch my iPhone and some money in my butt pockets. "Heading out with Justin." I waved my hand to Shawn.

"Be nice!" Shawn exclaimed before Justin and I walked out of the gate and on our way to the eatery.

For a few minutes we've been walking, we both played with our phones not even noticing each other. I didn't know if I was the one to make the first move of starting the conversation since I was older.

I cleared my throat and tucked my phone inside my pocket. "So Justin... How's life treating you?" Wow, great start Selena!

I saw from the corner of my eye that he flinched when I started to talk. "It's been fine. I'm working on my next album and earning so much love from my fans."

Ahhh... At least he was enjoying it for a first timer. "That's awesome, wait is that why you're with Shawn too?"

Justin nodded now seeming interested in our conversation. "Yeah! He's really fast when it comes to producing music. He's been working with me for my past two albums."

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