Chapter 28

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Peter and Mera sat at Peter's apartment, cuddling each other and catching up on what was going on.

"So Arthur's dad makes the best pancakes ever?" Peter asked. Mera just nodded and smiled. "Well I guess I'll have to get some later." he said, just after his stomach started growling.

Mera just laughed in response. "Oh how I've missed you Peter." she said, laying her head on Peter's shoulder. Peter just smiled and lead his head on top of hers. "So your friend is mad at you right now?" she asked.

And now the moment is ruined.

"Yes. I screwed up." Peter said, shaking his head.

"I don't think you did." Mera said, looking up at him, their face just inches apart. "If anything, she should be feeling guilty about putting you in that situation. You said it yourself, she just snuck into the middle of an armed military camp all alone with no protection or diversion of any sort. How did she think you would react? If it was me Peter, I would've done the same thing you did. Oh and also......if you guys are 'partners,' then shouldn't she have talked to you about it before she went to the base?"

Peter just smiled a small smile in Mera's direction. "Thanks Mera. I appreciate you trying to see it through my perspective of things. But like I said, I messed up as well, barging in like that. We were both at fault." he said.

"I don't believe it for a second." Mera said, looking him dead in the eyes. "You can't blame yourself for everything Peter."

"A lesson I have to keep reminding myself of I'm afraid." Peter admitted. Peter's phone began to vibrate. He removed one arm from Mera and reached over to check the notification.

10:30 AM: Head to Octavius Industries for test.

Good thing that Peter downloaded this notification app.

"I have to go now Mera." Peter said sadly, looking at his girlfriend.

Mera whined a little and kissed his lips. "How long until you return?" she asked, hoping it wasn't too long.

"Maybe about an hour." Peter said.

'Yeah that's too long.' Mera thought to herself.

"Tell Octavius to not get too greedy with my boyfriend alright Peter?" Mera asked.

"Too greedy? You mean keep me for very long?" Peter asked. Once Mera nodded, he responded with, "Alright. I'll tell him."

"Excellent." Mera laughed, kissing Peter again. "See you later."

"See you soon your highness." Peter said with a bow, before leaving the apartment.

Mera just stood there, watching him leave when an idea formed in her head.

"Sooner than you think Spider-Man." She said, with a wide smile.


Peter was just exiting the Octavius Industries building with a lot on his head. Not only did Otto finally perfect the arms, which was good, but he also revealed some big news.

His doctors told him that his motor control system is deteriorating, so he can't move his muscles. In approximately a year he won't be able to move at all.

'It's no wonder he's so focused on these arms.' Peter thought to himself just as he opened the door to change into his Spider-Man gear. However, to his surprise, someone was waiting there for him on the roof.

"Mera?!" He said, causing the Atlantean red head to chuckle. Mera was wearing her green armor outfit and was wearing her crown that frames her face.

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