Hello family Ch. 3

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"Not just yet Hook, my mom said she wanted to see us before we go and my dad wants a word with you, sorry." I saw the smile wash away from his face when i said that and how i could see a little fright in his eyes. He finally said, "Well where are they?"

I walked Killian to the dinning area were my mom, Mary Margaret, and my dad, David, were chatting with Elsa about the snow queen. As soon as we walked up my mother started tearing up, when i realized that she never has seen me go on a date before. I do feel horrible for what my parents went through by not spending my childhood with them, but they did the noble thing and gave me my best chance. My mom finally stopped crying when Neal my baby brother started crying.

After my mother left my father gave Hook a stern look. I know the two of them never really enjoyed the others presence, but they try to make it work especially Hook. David tells Hook to walk with him into the living room, as Elsa and I talk.

"So this is what dating is like?" Said Elsa. "I guess so." i say, "i never have been on a normal date before." I tell her about the time Neal took me to a carnival and we had coffee on one of those swing rides. I then realized that yes i did love Neal, but only as a brother. After i knew who i was i couldn't really love him the way before. I'm actually kind of happy that is how i feel about Neal, because now i can really enjoy my date tonight.

I ask Elsa more about her sister, and she tells me how silly and independent she was. She also said that she hid her powers from her sister by shunning her out of her life. "That must have been horrible" i said. After we talk a little longer the boys come back and Killian has this look telling me "can we get the heck out of her please." So, i say by to my family and Elsa, and Killian and I walk out of the loft with his arm around my neck. It is quite comforting, and relaxing actually. We walk out of the apartment and walk to granny's. When we walk in Hook pulls out my chair for me to sit and then takes a seat in his. Red walks over in her red tee shirt and black skinny jeans and asks "what would you like to order tonight lovebirds?"

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