Stray? [HwiTae](Pt 1)

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Trigger warning: mentioning of depression


Taeyang knew it wasn't a good idea, but he had no other choice. It was night already and he wouldn't make it back home outside of the city.In the distance he could hear thunder. 

Trying not to be seen he walked through every little passage, looking for shelter for the upcoming storm that was on it's way.

As long as no human sees me, he thought, it shouldn't be a problem to get trough the night.

Right when he passed a door in the ally it swung open, shining light on his body. His first instinct was to run but he didn't come far because he was grabbed be two hands and was lifted up.
"There's a cat here! And it doesn't wear a collar either" the boy who picked him up said to another person, who Taeyang couldn't see.
"A stray cat? Here?", a feminine voice asked. "Seems like it" the boy responded, looking at the little animal from every angle.
"Bring it in. I'll have a look" the woman then said. The boy did as asked, holding the cat tight with one hand, probably to prevent it to flee. With the other hand he closed the door again, giving no chance to escape anymore.
"Put it on the table" a woman with a white smock ordered and the boy followed.
The woman put on gloves and came over to the table, picking up the cat again and inspecting it.
"It's male... I can't quite tell the age. No wounds..." she said, more or less to herself.
Taeyang was definitely in shock, trying to get out of the hold of the woman who just held him tighter every time.
"I'll give him some shots, just in case and we'll keep him here for at least the night. Maybe someone is looking for him. And if not, we'll castrate him and let him go again" the woman told the boy who was standing a bit further away, he just nodded, keeping his hands in his hoodiepocket.
At the word 'castrate' the cat froze. Does she mean what he thinks she means?
The woman put him down on the table to get a few syringes. Taeyang hissed at her, rolling himself into a little ball.
"Youngkyun, can you hold him?", she then asked the boy. Again he nodded and came to the table as well.
His grip was much softer than that of the woman, giving the opportunity to escape but he decided not to without knowing an exact reason.
"It's going to be okay" the boy whispered to the cat, carefully patting his head, smiling at him.

Taeyang wasn't sure if the boys voice has been that deep a few minutes ago too, but he hadn't had anytime to think about it as he felt a strong sting at the side of his lower half.
Out of reflex he meowed rather loudly, trying to escape the pain.
The pain passed away after a few seconds but he could see the woman preparing another one off these hellish things. He already wanted to escape, not wanting that pain ever again. But he couldn't, Youngkyun was now holding him just tight enough so that there was no way of escaping.
He was still smiling at the cat, even though the smile seemed painful in some kind of way.
Shortly after, the pain came again but vanished as fast as the first time too.
"That should be it" the woman announced, causing Youngkyun's grip to loosen up completely, now only petting the cat.

"Can you do the rest? I have to get home" the woman asked the boy, who again nodded silently.
The woman smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "I'll see you tomorrow then" she said, taking off the smock and hanging it next to the door, where she disappeared through.
Youngkyun carefully lifted up the cat and sat it down in one of the metal boxes they had in the back off the vet's room.
"You'll stay here tonight. Sleep well so you will feel better tomorrow" he said, closing the metal bar door.
He turned around and just began to tidy up a bit, trying to kill time.
With the hope of getting his attention back, Taeyang meowed, just to make him turn around and letting him look at him again. To his surprise it actually worked and the boy turned to the cat once again.
"Oh yeah, you must be hungry. Give me a second" he said, going to another room and coming back with a bowl with some cat food in it, which he set down in the small cage.

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