Stray? [pt2]

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It's been a few weeks, since Youngkyun moved in with Taeyang's family.
Luckily there has only been a few incidents where Youngkyun had a relapse so he had to have some medical help from Taeyang's mother, but all in all it was quite nice.

"Taeyang!", his younger sister yelled while swinging the door open, just to see him snuggling in bed with Youngkyun.
"What is it?", he asked his sister in a sleepy voice.
"I actually wanted to introduce you to someone, but for that you'd have to get up and get dressed" she told him, crossing her arms. "If he's awake,Youngkyun can come too" she added, grinning at the two boys.
"Yeah, okay. Give us a few minutes" he told her, waiting until she left the room and shut the door.

"Youngkyun~ wake up" the older boy whispered into the younger's ear. He just made a little noise, showing Taeyang that he was at least somehow awake.
"Get up, Kyungsoon wants to show us someone" he told the boy, running his hand trough Youngkyun's hair.
Again he just hummed quietly in response, this time opening his eyes slightly.
"Who?", he asked.
"I don't know either, so let's just get ready" he simply said, sitting up, throwing the blanket aside.
Youngkyun also sat up, but way more tired than Taeyang since the older has been watching the other boy for quite a time after he woke up.
Taeyang got up and searched for some clothes for both of them, throwing one half of it on Youngkyun's lap.
They both got dressed rather quickly and went downstairs together.
In the dining room Taeyang's sister was sitting next to a boy, they were talking but stopped as soon as the two boys entered the room.
"Good morning" Taeyang greeted the two of them.
"It's already afternoon but, yeah, good morning to you too" the boy said, causing Kyungsoon to giggle.
Taeyang looked over to the clock that was hanging on the wall. "Oh, well whatever" he said laughing.
"Anyway, who's that?", he then asked his sister.
"This is Kyuhyun, I'm going to prom with him" she told her other brother, smiling shyly.
"Oh yeah, that's coming up too. Well he seems like a good catch" he said, smiling at his sister proudly. She seemed really relived that her brother didn't throw him out directly.
Kyungsoon stood up from her seat and hugged her brother full of joy. Now even Youngkyun had to smile at how happy the girl was.
"He's approved now, can I go back to sleep?", Taeyang then asked, yawning jokingly.
"Sure, go and do your stuff" she said, hitting his shoulder, grinning at the two boys.
"Oh come on, just leave me alone. You should do your shit to" he said, pretending to be annoyed but still smiling.
"Let's go upstairs again" Taeyang said to Youngkyun, who nodded silently and followed him out of the room.
Upstairs Youngkyun sat down on the bed again, Taeyang sat down on his chair, looking over to the younger boy.
"I'll have to go and hunt today" the older one announced. Again, the younger one just nodded.
"Is something wrong?", Taeyang asked, it's usually not normal for him to be that  quiet.
"No, I'm just tired" he said, leaning back, against the wall
Taeyang sighed. "But tell me if something happens or is wrong, ok?", he asked him. He nodded, "I will" he murmured, closing his eyes.
The older looked over to Youngkyun and then to the clock. "I have to go now, if you need something just go to my mother" he told him, going to the bed and giving the boy a kiss on the forehead.
"I'll be back in a few hours" he said, leaving the room. Youngkyun still sat on the bed, not moving for a few moments.
He then got up and decided to go search for the older one's mother.
"Nayeon? Can I ask you something?", he asked the woman as soon as he found her.
"Youngkyun! What can I do for you?", she asked him happily, letting the small kitten down that was sitting on her lap.
"Can- can I go to the cemetery?" he then asked the woman, looking at his feet.
She stood up from her seat and went up to him, putting her hands on his shoulders.
"Of course you can. Do you want to take someone with you or would you rather go alone?", she then asked him. He lifted his head slightly.
"Alone" he mumbled, looking back up to her.
Unexpectedly she smiled at him. "If you want you can borrow some of Taeyang clothes. I guess you know how to get there from here?", she asked, getting a nod from the boy.
"Okay, but promise to be back for dinner. Taeyang probably doesn't like the idea of you wandering around alone" she told him.
Youngkyun swallowed. "I'll be back before him" he promised her.
She smiled at him and ruffled his hair, "Okay, then get going before it gets too late" the woman told him.
Once again he nodded and went upstairs again to get changed. He took out some of Taeyang's black clothes and changed into them, going downstairs afterwards.
In the hallway Nayeon stood there and looked at the boy, She again smiled at him. "You look good" she told him.
"Thank you..." he responded shyly.
"If anybody should ask where you are I'll tell them, that you went on a walk, ok?", she said.
"Okay, thanks" Youngkyun smiled. "And now go or else you don't have any time with your mum" she said, pushing him to the door.
She waved him goodbye and waited until she couldn't see him anymore and closed the door then.

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