Chapter 2: Pinky The Pervert

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*This story holds content that some may be uncomfortable with, you've been warned.

*I do not own any of the characters or the original story. I just owe this storyline.

*I do not own any of the fan art I use in this story.

(The picture above legit kills me every time I look at it!)


Levy's POV-
"Wow..." I mumbled staring at the enormous building in front of me. "This is our new school?" I asked in disbelief.

The building was way to fancy to be a school, it was made from different creamy colored bricks with giant windows along with the whole thing, the more I looked at it the more it kind of looked like a modern-day castle. It evens has a giant flag with what I'm guessing is the school's symbol on it.

"It sure is!" Mira smiled happily, handing each of us our new schedules. "Welcome to Fairy Tail High! Home of the mighty fairy's!"

"The mighty fairy's?" Juvia asked looking confused. "Correct Juvia if she's wrong but what's so mighty about fairy's?"

"Yeah," Lucy agreed to cross her arms over her large chest. "And who names a school Fairy Tail?"

"The first master/founder of this school did. She had a strong interest in the mystical creatures." Ezra explained. "But don't let the name fool you, this school holds some of the strongest sports teams throughout Fiore."

"Do they have a swim team?!" Juvia asked a sparkle in her blue orbs. "Juvia would love to join if they do!"

"Yes," Mira smiled with a giggle. "They also have a book club,"

"A book club!" I say not able to hide my excitement. "Mhm, there's also the school's newspaper that's always looking for new writers," she says catching Lucy's attention. "And last but not least a volleyball team!"

"Really? That's awesome!" I squealed getting more excited by the second. "We all can join the volleyball team again!"

"We're unstoppable on the court!" Lucy said, her fist-pumping to the sky. "And I can finally share some of my stories!"

"Ah! Juvia's so excited!" She smiled contently clapping her hands together.

"Well I'm glad that you're all excited but just remember your studies," Erza told us sternly, her inner mom coming out to play. "And always remember to keep your guard up. I don't want word about us getting around too far yet. I'm still unsure about the threats that had been thrown upon us. I would like to stick around Magnolia for a while longer before we must move again."

"We understand," Lucy said, her eyes darting between all of us. "We'll keep an eye out on each other, right guys?"

"That's right!" I smile shooting my right arm to the sky sticking my pointer finger and thumb out. "We're starting our new lives here and we're doing it together! No matter what!"

"Yeah!" Wendy shouted following my actions. "Together forever!"

"And forever we fight!" Juvia smiled showing us her sign.

"One step at a time!" The rest joined in. We all smiled at each other, proud of how far we had made it, and by doing this symbol, a symbol that represented our friendship, and our hope for the future.

"Well lady's," Mira said her hand falling onto Wendy's shoulder. "I believe it's time that I walk Wend to her school. It's just a few minutes away from here."

One Step At a Time (A FAIRY TAIL AU FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now