Chapter 11: Dinner Disaster: Part Two

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*This story holds content that some may be uncomfortable with, you've been warned.

*I do not own any of the characters or the original story. I just owe this storyline.

*I do not own any of the fan art I use in this story.

Levy's POV-
"I apologize again that we couldn't make you the homemade meal that I had promised you all." Erza apologized for the fourth time that night. Almost everyone was sitting around the big marble fireplace trying to stay warm as the rain continued to pour, the power still knocked out leaving us with nothing but the soft glow of the flames.

"It wasn't your fault Erza!" Lisanna said as she sat wrapped in a blanket up against Bixslow.
"Yeah Erza, you can't control the weather," Bickslow added with a grin. "Plus you guys got us pizza!"

"I suppose your right." She muttered looking towards Juvia and Gray with a smile. "Thank you for going to pick it up by the way Juvia, Gray. I appreciated it." Juvia grinned widely as she snuggled closer to the blanket for warmth.

"Of course Erza! Juvia loves to run in the rain! Gray-Sama you're clothes."

"Damnit, why is this my life?" Gray groaned but yet, he still didn't bother dressing and continued to sit in nothing but his boxers.

"Natsu! Stop playing in the fire!" Lucy yelled to a certain salmon haired boy. I switched my gaze towards my best friend's cry of distress to see a certain idiot poking at the bright yellow-orange flames with an intense look.

"But there's nothing else to do!" he complained about groan falling back towards Lucy who sighed before glancing down at him with a small blush. "Wel-well that doesn't mean you have to play in the fire!" She grumbled crossing her arms and looked away from him with a pout.

"You wanna turn!?" He grinned widely getting into her face, her blush faded, only to be replaced by a glare.

"No, you idiot!"

I giggled lightly as I watched the two bicker as an evil idea popped into my mind along with a tiny smirk forming on my lips. I glanced towards our demonic matchmaker to see her with her usual cheerful smile but deep within her ocean blue eyes was a mischievous gimps that shined ever so slightly.

"A plan is in the making!" I cheered to myself brushing a piece of Wendy's hair out of her sleeping face.

"What's taking the boys so long?" Evergreen asked breaking my trace. Her thin-rimmed glass sat on the bridge of her nose as she stared towards the opening that Gajeel, Lauxs, Jellal, and Elfman had left a while ago to mess with the breaker box.

"Probably fighting with each other on who's right," Freed answered simply flipping through the pages of his book. I chuckled lightly as imagine the scene of the four men who all seemed to have clashing personality's.

"You're probably right but why did none of you guys go with them, huh?" Evergreen continued to ask tapping her foot in annoyance.

"Someone has to stay and take care of the drunk." Freed motioned towards Cana who was snoring loudly resting her head in his lap, drool falling from her mouth. "Gray and Bixslow are no longer trusted working together, and do you want Natsu down there?" He asked glancing towards the said man as Lucy struggled to keep him away from the hot flames. "He might make the matter worse."

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