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"come on woman, just get in the god damn car already!"

"kenzie, get in or i swear to god"

"i don't even want to go! why are you making me?!" i exclaim, and the car full of my friends all groan simultaneously once again at me.

"because you can't stay cooped up in your room on your own all the time for god sake!"

"it's better than getting drunk that i don't remember anything" i mutter under my breath so that none of them hear me. i roll my eyes instead at them, sighing before opening the car door and climbing in the front.

"thank you!" grace says loudly, patting me on the shoulder before starting the car up and reversing out of my drive. my parents practically forced me out the door as well when they realised my friends were here; the only person who understands my reluctance is my brother peter. it's probably due to him being over protective of me but he gets why i don't fancy getting drunk and suffering the repercussions the next day; trust me, he knows too well what you have to endure the next day.

it's not like i have no self control when it comes to drinking; it's more of the fact that i get pushed into it by everyone because they all make a big fuss of the fact that i don't like to drink! and then i end up just getting drunk to please everyone else once in a blue moon just so they don't all think i'm a complete and utter loser.

all my close friends seem to think that i just stay cooped up in my room at every chance i get but they couldn't be further from the actual truth. i sneak out every night, which is probably why i'm always so tired but no one needs to know that.

i sneak out every night and go to the cinema purely because i can't seem to ever sleep at a normal time and it's become some what of a routinely event for me; as if i'm programmed for it. i go down to the cinema that's only a few minutes walk away and i see whatever movie i fancy; it's nicer at night because there's never anyone there because who in their right mind would go out to see a film at one in the morning when you can just watch it at home instead?

i buy my ticket and sit wherever i like in the theatre, with a bucket of popcorn in my lap and possibly a box of tissues if i'm watching a sad film. there's something about seeing it on the 'big screen' that makes it so much more liberating and enjoyable.

if i didn't work at the music shop, i'd definitely like to work at the cinema, simply due to popcorn. just the smell of it makes the whole experience of going to the cinema a massive bonus. and you could definitely eat a bit without being caught i'm sure of it.

but it looks like my plans for tonight are cancelled, and i guess i'm gonna have to get drunk. yay.

we pull up to the party and all clamber out of the car, and i tug my top down in a self conscious manner. i can't help it, i don't like wearing skimpy clothes; a hoodie and jeans suffices thank you very much. looking around at all the people, i cringe at the loud music and resist the urge to climb back into the car out of pure disgust.

"come on!" calum says over the bass of the terrible remix, "i'm gonna get a drink, come with me". he tugs my hand and pulls me into the building in the direction of where all the drinks are. he hands me a vodka and orange as he knows it's the only drink i'll actually swallow, and i smile gratefully at the brunette boy.

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