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Once again, I was washing up the dishes in the Gaskarth household. This time, it wasn't because the dishes weren't dishwasher safe, but because the dishwasher was already completely full. I couldn't stand leaving dirty dishes on the counter for anybody and myself to see out in the open, I had to clean them up. With William out on a playdate and Alex working with no distractions in his library, it was all I had to do.

As I stood there, rubbing the sponge over the ceramic plate, I looked out of the window. I thought back to the beginning when I once watched Alex outside with his friends. He was just talking to them, not doing anything to try and get me worked up. But that was all it took to turn me on as I thought about the things he would whisper to me and the way he would touch me. I could still imagine the sweat forming on his skin as the sun beamed down on him.

The beach chairs were empty, the water in the pool only rippling due to the soft breeze in the air. It was just as quiet outside as it was inside. Part of me wanted to sneak into Alex's office and just get him to look up from that laptop screen for a bit. With William not here, we could do anything our hearts desired. I knew that I could entice him if I really wanted to. All I had to do was put down the plate in my hands, walk out of the kitchen and to the foyer. There, he would already be able to see my shadow as I tiptoed my way into the room where we officially started our affair. To fully catch his attention, I'd pull my hair out of its ponytail and shake the loose strands a little. If he still didn't acknowledge my intentions, I'd close his laptop, move it to the side, and then climb onto the desk.

But I was selfish. I wanted him to take initiative. It always felt so much better that way. He'd always feel like he was the one who started it, but really I was awaiting it all along, causing him to show the dominance he believed he had.

For now, I just let my eyes close as I continued to rub the same plate clean. Alex knew where I was, he could come to me.

And he did.

While still all I could see was black, I could feel a presence behind me. I leaned into the touch as his lips made contact with the skin on my neck. He softly sucked as he broke away, careful not to leave a mark, before moving the same sensation half an inch to the right, closer to my shoulder. My eyes stayed closed as I subconsciously tugged my lips between my teeth and let my fantasies become reality.

"I got you something," Alex whispered in a husky voice in between the slight nipping.

"Hmm?" I urged him to continue before a small gasp escaped past my lips, thinking this was what he had gotten me.

"Yeah," he stopped the kisses but his hot breath continued to send chills down my spine, "I want you to wear this."

When I opened my eyes, I was met with a sheer set of white lingerie in front of me. Alex must have chosen what tickled his fancy. The bra was made out of a barely-there fabric that would melt into my skin, the top line embroidered with delicate white flowers. The panties weren't any different. They were just as fine as the fabric meant to support my breasts, the same lace accentuating the hem. It was nothing like I owned. If anything, it was the complete opposite.

"This is all I want you to wear when you're working around here," he repeated with a slight adjustment as he sensually kissed the nape of my neck again.

I softly shook my head and pushed away his hand, which was holding out the undergarments for me to see. "Most of the time, I'm around Will. I don't think you want him seeing me like that."

"But he's not here now," Alex commented with what I could hear was a smirk.

Rather than letting him convince me with his captivating neck kisses, I put the plate on the drying rack and turned around. His eyes were betraying him. He was trying to make it seem like I needed to do more to turn him on, but the hungry look said otherwise. I hadn't been the only one compiling all our experiences into a new scenario.

"I thought you preferred me without anything on," I teased as I rested my arms over his shoulders and ran my fingers through the hair lower down on his head.

"True," he admitted with a nod and looked down between us, taking a not so subtle glance, "but this would be a nice starter."

"Alright." I winked and took the set from him.

I kicked off my shoes as I left the kitchen to show that I, indeed, was actually going to change. Or so he thought. He just needed to believe I was going to go somewhere to try on whatever size lingerie he got me for his pleasure. But just as I was about to take the last step out of the kitchen, I pulled my shirt over my head. I could hear Alex sneakily follow me as I started toward the living room, pulling off my shorts in the hallway so I was left in just my own underwear. Once I was in the middle of the room, I abruptly turned around and stared at Alex, who was watching me from the doorway. I kept eye contact as I reached back and unclasped my bra, letting the straps fall down my arms before I hooked my pointer fingers on my panties and let them drop to the floor as well.

"Ok..." Alex nodded with a gulp, coming to join me and stopping me from attempting to put on what he bought. "No need to put that on anymore. That's for another time."

I tugged on his shirt, forcing him to step closer to me, and circled my arms around his neck. Rather than pushing myself up against him, I leaned back and swung us a little bit. "I'm never going to wear it."

He gasped in mock-offense, "what, why not?"

"Well, Mr. Gaskarth," I already knew what was going to come next and I switched my position so that I could quietly mumble against his ear while standing on my tiptoes, "it's really nice white underwear. I can only wear such a thing on my wedding day."

"Wedding day, huh?"

"Mh-hm," I nodded and tugged at his ear with my teeth. "You should come and make an appearance, on the bride's side of course, but be quick. You'll have to whisk me away before Jack and I consummate our marriage. There's only one man who can see me like this."

"He's no man." Alex pulled away so we were face to face, our lower bodies still touching, and his hands finding a firm grip on my waist.

"No?" I looked at him innocently, loving it whenever he got riled up like this.

He shook his head to confirm what he said before. "Not when he's never had the balls to touch you like this." With no warning, his hand dropped down and touched me in my most intimate place, causing me to gasp loudly. "To make you feel the things you deserve."

He started curling his fingers and applying more pressure with his thumb. We had barely even started and I already had to lean into him to support myself. He could manage to make my legs weak and tremble with just the slightest of movements.

"I bet you he would never dare to do this," he growled as he slowly pushed one finger in and continued to make me moan with the power of just one barely-moving hand.

"Alex," I whined through a moan, wanting him to stop his torturing, "please."

"You can't fool me." He shook his head and instead slowed down his movements even more, making my toes curl in anticipation as I felt his finger moving along. "You don't just get what you want by testing me like this."

"At least take off your jeans," I begged as I rocked down on his hand, hoping to speed up the pace, feeling the fabric against the inside of my thighs.

"Trying to trick me again? I don't think so. You've got to wait your turn."

"No," I pleaded, still hoping he'd give in to my request, "you're going to give me a friction burn."

"Another way to show you can't just play me." He smirked and attacked my neck, only this time not as sensually as in the kitchen. It nearly put me under a spell, letting him get his way while I obliged.


"I swear to god, Alex," I grumbled and took my own initiative. While he was momentarily distracted by the nips and kisses he was giving me, I created more space between us in spite of my pleasure. "If you're going to give me a friction burn, I won't have sex with you for at least another week."

"That's not that fair is it?" He winked, still believing he had the power here. "I won't be the only one suffering. There's nowhere else for you to go."

Rather than letting him manipulate me into his ways, I harshly tugged on his belt, taking him by surprise. In one go, it was unbuckled, and with my desperation, I managed to pop his button and pull down the zipper as well. With nothing to hold me back, I pushed his jeans down to his knees, making sure the scratchy fabrics would no longer be able to ruin it for me.

"Really, Alex," I shook my head disapprovingly, "do I really have to do everything myself?"

"No more 'Mr. Gaskarth'?" He asked, seeming way too amused with that stupid lopsided grin of his.

"Hmm." I refused to humor him, and took his shirt off, pushing on his chest until we were closer to one of the couches. "Sit."

"Oh, so we're switching the roles now?" He fell back onto the couch and eyed my naked body.

"Well, it seems like you don't want to take care of me, so I'm going to have to do it myself." I looked down at him, trying to think of a plan. I could do anything I desired.

"I'm sorry, but if I recall correctly, I was taking care of you." He wiggled his fingers in a teasing manner.

I shook my head to show that that was, one, not what I meant, and two, not good enough. A small mischievous smile played at my lips as I placed my knees on either side of him, just hovering too far over his lap to straddle him. Tangling my fingers in his hair, I made him look up and started a hungry kiss. It was so easy to reverse how things had started.

He tried his best to keep up with me, wanting to show he was still in control by sneakily adding his tongue and winning some dominance. But I was one step ahead of him. I made sure not to kiss him too hard, to make him extend his back to try and get to me. Of course, I could easily smother him and battle for the dominance, but it so much more fun to take it all away from him.

I started lowering my body and thrust into him, his boxers the only thing keeping us apart. A smirk formed on my face, knowing that I had gotten here just because I didn't want his jeans chafing me, meaning I could now do it as hard as I possibly wanted without any pain. The only thing left to do was the first action that had gotten us here in the first place. With my fingers still in his hair on the back of his head, I pulled a little so his head went back up. My lips left his mouth and moved to his jawline before I worked down to his neck. I wasn't as careful and sensual. He had nothing to hide when he left this house. My teeth came in to play more often than not, causing Alex to grab my hips and help me grind onto him, already fully aroused.

"I presume my initial intention of getting a blowjob out of this isn't going to happen anymore," Alex breathed out, somehow still having the strength to speak in a hushed tone.

I let out a low chuckle and broke away from his neck. With my forefinger and thumb, I took hold of his chin and once again shifted his face to look right at me. "You're finally right about something."

With my final statement, I hovered over him again and shuffled his boxers off as far as I could with him sitting down. All it needed was a few inches and a quick yank to let him spring free from his boxers. No need to move it down completely.

"You better warn me, you hear?" I instructed sternly as I held the base and started lowering down until he was just at my entrance. "You don't want to spill all over your nice velvet couch, now do you?"

"I'll just get you to clean it up," he retorted back, challenging me.

"I sure as hell won't." I gave him a smile that was overly sweet. To show that that was final, I let my hand stroke him once before I took him in.

I used my knees as leverage to let myself bounce up and down and rock back and forth. After falling into a rhythm that satisfied me, I grabbed one of Alex's wrists and brought his hand up my thigh. If I was going to finish, I was going to need his help, whether he liked it or not. But all I got from him were groans and not a single twitch of the fingers. To make clear that I was not fucking around, I tugged on his right ear with my teeth and urged him closer. I moaned loudly against the skin of his neck when he finally got the hint.

My rhythm stayed constant as we were both enjoying the moment.

"Paisley..." Alex grumbled, throwing his head back over the backrest.

"Not yet," I replied, making my movements deeper and slower.

"You told me to warn you," he urgently groaned, "well, I'm fucking warning you."

"I said, not yet!" I growled back, feeling him twitch slightly. "Hold back. I'm not done yet."

"It's not that easy," he panted, his eyes shut tightly so they were just thin lines with wrinkles. "You're the one who didn't want foreplay."

"Not at the speed you were going, so you better speed up now."

He did as he was told. His fingers worked like his life depended on it. He added more pressure and more circles, making tingles shoot up my body. As much as I wanted to keep my composure, I gave in. I slumped over as my own movements became restricted from the immense pleasure I was experiencing. Knowing that all I needed was his thumb to get me to orgasm, I got off him and sat on his lap. As I let him finish me off, he was finally able to reach his own release. This time, it wasn't my stomach that needed cleaning off, but his own.

I buried my face in the crook of his neck as I tried to catch my breath. He trailed the tips of his fingers over my spine as if it was supposed to help calm me down. It only excited my overly-sensitive skin further.

Alex nudged his nose against my cheek to get me to face him. However, I just rolled my head a bit further to the side, like that would be good enough. I could only acknowledge him, not actually interact.

"I'll admit, that wasn't too bad," Alex told me with a cocky grin.

"You can try and act like what you had in mind would have been better, but you know that would be a lie," I teased back. "Plus, expect a round two now that I don't have a friction burn."

You Leave Me with a Dangerous Taste (All Time Low | Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now