This is How it Began (One direction Fan Fiction)

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My eyes watered as I watched my all time favorite singer, preform live right in front of my eyes. He changed my life. My perspective on songs. He is amazing. I watched Ed Sheeran, the ginger jesus, preform, Wake Me Up.

"You alright love?" A husky Irish accent said from my right. I turned my head looking at the green eyed irish boy.

"Yeah he is just truley amazing." He nodded, and began to hum along to the tune. I smiled and turned back to the preformance.

After the concert, I felt a hand on the small of my back. I turned again, to face the same irish boy.

"How was that?" He questioned me.


"Hey I'm quite hungry, wanna catch some dinna?" I nodded with a smile.

"Sure, but first, could I get your name, not really in the mood to get kidnapped." He laughed saying,

"Of course, but really who ever is? But my names Daniel. Yours?"

"Chloe. Chloe Carter." He smiled at me, looking into my eyes, making me blush, which caused him to smirk.

"What?" I said blushing even more.

"Nothing. You ready?" I nodded, following him out the venue doors. We walked down the streets of london, making conversation, and laughing histarically at eachothers foolishness. The resturant we went to was called St. John.

"So Chloe, any siblings?" I frowned, looking down at the set of rolls laid out in front of me. My brother, also my best friend, died in a car accident, not but 3 months ago. I moved to London because of the pain that was there, in Ojai. Too much.

"Um. Well my brother Finn died three months ago. I'd rather not speak of it." I breathed looking up at his sad expression.

"I'm sorry. Um- favorite color?"

"Simple turquoise. You?"

"Red. Age?"

"19. You?"

"Same. Birthday?"

"May 16, how about you?"

"February 9. Hmm.... Favorite band?"

"Oh lord. One direction hands down." He smirked grabbing a roll. "What?"

"Oh nothing, its just my best friend, is in that band." I practically spit my food out.

"I don't know if I heard you right. Did you Daniel Markins, just say, that your best friend is in One Direction."

"I believe I did."

"Whoah." I breathed. I learned about One direction from Ed, in his interviews, so I checked them out. And after watching all of their music videos, I've been hooked ever since. watching interviews, listening to their music, their covers, stalking them occasionally, just kidding, but I do really enjoy practically everything they do.

"I'm actually going to the beach with them tomarow, wanna join us?" I nodded ferociously.

"Do you hink they'd mind?"

"Are you kidding? They love meeting new people! Lemme call Lou and let 'im know." He quickly stood up, making his way outside. I sat there, and decided to check twitter. Sliding my customzed iphone out of my back pocket, I opened up the app, looking at the most recent tweets. One made me smile really hard.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Just got a call from @DMarkins meeting his new gal pal tomarow, excited!

Just then, Daniel walked in smiling,

"Wanna head out? I can drop you at your house?"

"Thats alright, I live in he complex next door." He nodded, grabbing my hand, as we walked out the glass doors.

"Chloe, lemme have your number, so I can give you thee boys address." I gently handed him my phone, and took his, exchanging numbers.

"Alright there you go." I said handing him his phone, and taking mine.

"Thank you, Daniel, for tonight. I had a great time." I leaned in for a goodbye hug, he hugged me back, when we pulled apart, h leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. When he piled away, I was utterly shocked. That was the grossest kiss I've ever experienced. Slimy.

"Um.. Bye Dani! See you tomarow

"12? I'll text you the adess." I nodded and made my way to my flat. Well that couldn't have been any less awkward. Being more tired than ever, once I reached my flat, I colapsed fully dressed on my warm matress, falling instantly asleep.


Hey gorgeous! So I made a new fanfic! I really like this one. I've been thinking about it for actually a really long time now. I hope you like this one. Its gonna be good, i hope... Well I deleted the other one, because it was dumb. And no one read it, it got like two reads... I mean what? An ways, I hope you like it!

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