Chapter 3: Creepypasta

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#Kittievampire is in.

Hachishakusama's POV

"Tell me more about you." I say, with a smile.

Jeff sips his tea. "Well, I'm a Creepypasta." He started.

"And what's that? A.. Creepypasta?" I ask.

"Well it's this huge group of killers, spirits, monsters, and demons and all that. We relocated here because my old friend Janey couldn't catch a lit torch that I threw at her. Long story short, she set the whole place on fire. We're staying here until something else happens." Jeff explains.

Kuchisake-Onna snorts. "SHE lit the place on fire? I don't think she wanted to get burned again, Jeffrey." She said, sipping her tea.

Jeff rolled his eyes. "I still blame her! Anyways, you're the mother of the Japanese Urban Legends, right?" Jeff asks. I nod. "Correct, child."

"Eh, Slendy's like the Guardian of us. I wouldn't say father though, at least not to me. Though, I do hear Sally, BEN, and them calling him dad or something." Jeff said with a shrug.

I raise an eyebrow. "Ah.. So, how did you two meet?" I ask, quietly sipping my tea.

"Well, I was out having my little midnight spree to kill whoever was stupid enough to walk around at night, and I ran into this guy. We talked a little, got to know eachother and all that. So, we decided we would sorta be frenemies, since Jane already took the Enemy thing." Kuchisake-Onna explained.

I nodded. "So, is your stay temporary here in Japan? Or.. What is happening?" I ask, refilling all of our cups.

Jeff shrugged. "I don't think so. We're going to stay here until something else happens to the mansion. Which isn't very likely since Slenderp's watching us like a fucking Hawk, even though he literally has no eyes." Jeff said.

"Please, no foul language in my abode.." I mutter to him. Jeff clears his throat. "Oh, sorry.." He said quietly.

I then stood. "Well then, perhaps you could be of assistance to Kuchisake-Onna, here on her mission?" I offered. Kuchisake-Onna looked over at Jeff before both of them stood.

Jeff rubbed the back of his head as he mumbled to himself, most likely thinking. "Yea, my schedule's pretty clear. Sure, I'll do it." He said.

I nodded. "Anyways, there is this one very wealthy man I need you to assassinate. He goes by the name Eiro Jina. Kill him, make your presence known. I will be on a little mission myself, so if I do not respond immediately, KuneKune will give you my thanks." I say.

'I need to find a way to dig deeper... These newcomers are a threat to us Legends, they could ruin our reputation...' I thought. "Jeffrey, you shall kill anyone who interferes." I then look at both of them. "You have three days to locate and eliminate the target. He is somewhere in Shinjuku, but we do not know of the exact location." I explain.

Kuchisake-Onna nods. "Three days should be enough time to find and kill him.." She said. Kuchisake-Onna grabbed Jeff's hood. "Come on, Jeffrey! We got work to do!" She said, dragging him out.

I narrowed my eyes before turning and walking out of the abandoned house, which I have called my own.

Jinmenken walked up to me. "So, mother.....

What's the plan?"


Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter seemed a little short, trust me we're getting to the SlenderHachi ship in a little bit. Also I would like to say I'M BACK! I have been dead for a while but I have returned, though again, slow updates. Hope you guys enjoyed!




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