Chapter 1

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Life had been a pile of shit for Daryl, right up until he met Rick Grimes. He was twenty-two when he met him, twenty-two years of hell to endure before he finally got some light in his life.

He was naive to think that the world was finished tormenting him, that it was someone else's turn and he got to be happy for the rest of his life.

It took fourteen years, but the world did decide it was Daryl's time to suffer again, along with every other human in existence.

It was sunrise, and the people of the camp would be waking soon. Daryl had barely slept the whole night, which had been a common occurrence for over the last month.

Daryl sighed heavily and turned over in his sleeping bag. His eyes fell on his brother. Merle was laid on his back with one arm over his stomach, and his jaw dropped open as heavy breaths fell out of it; there looked to be fewer lines on his face, he looked younger.

Daryl's eyes moved again, further up the tent and closer to himself; where his son lay. Carl, ten now, was tucked up in his own mound of blankets and peacefully sleeping. He was on his side, the position he usually liked to sleep in, and his face was a little squished against his pillow. He was so adorable and looked so much like Rick that it made Daryl's heart ache.

Daryl's throat tightened, and he let out a shaky breath as he thought of his husband. His beautiful, loving, brave, dead husband.

He sucked in a deep breath as he ran a hand over his face, he forced himself to calm down and then quietly got out of his sleeping bag. He'd slept in his clothes, so he didn't bother changing. He leaned down to peck Carl on the forehead before he left the tent and smiled when the kid screwed up his nose.

Daryl zipped the tent behind him, and then looked around the camp to see who was up. He quickly spotted Shane on top of the RV, holding his gun and keeping guard.

Daryl walked over, and Shane watched as he climbed up to join him on the roof.

"You get any sleep?" Shane asked as Daryl sat down beside him.

Daryl shrugged, "A little," he sighed, "You? Lori?"

Shane shrugged too, "She's sleeping better than I am at least,"

"That's something,"

Shane turned his head to look at him, "How's Carl? It's hard to read the kid,"

Daryl sighed heavily and pulled his knees to his chest, "He's trying so hard to be strong, trying so damn hard not to let me see how upset he is. But he's my son, I know him, he can't hide," he said softly, staring down the road in front of them, wishing that Rick would just suddenly appear walking up it, "I know he's hurting. I know he's heartbroken,"

"He lost his father, of course, he would be," Shane said, running a hand over his face and groaning softly, "Fuck, Daryl, what about you? You lost your husband,"

The words sent tears to Daryl's eyes, "I know, Shane. Trust me, I fucking know," he whispered.

Daryl knew that he should tell him, him, Lori and Merle. They should all know, and he was stupid by not telling them. It wasn't safe, but then again, nothing was safe anymore. His chances wouldn't be better if he told them.

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