Chapter 9

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Daryl sighed as he watched the rest of the group arrive at the farm, he was stood in Carl's room, and standing by the large window, he'd pulled the curtains back, and he felt sick to his stomach as he watched Carol get out of the RV, she looked exhausted and scared. He wished he could do more for her.

He did smile at the sight of his brother climbing off his bike, kicking down the stand and the resting his hands on his hips as he looked around.

It was early morning, only a few hours or so after sunrise, and all of the Greene farmhouse residents were already awake and up and about, and the group seemed to be set on setting up camp at the farm. It was their best option right now, the farm was surrounded by fences, which should keep them safe, as long as a herd didn't come through. The Greene's also still had running water, but no power, but it was still much better than starving out on the highway.

"Daryl," Rick said softly from where he was sat in the chair beside Carl's bed, and Daryl turned to him.

He found that Carl's eyes were open, and he was looking around the room. Daryl made his way over and carefully sat down on the mattress beside him.

"Hey buddy," Rick whispered, brushing his hand over his hair.

"Dad," he said softly, and moments later, his eyes met Daryl's, "Where's Sophia?" he immediately asked, swallowing thickly and then coughing.

Daryl looked to Rick and hated the frown on his face. He was just about ready to tell Carl the truth, and then Rick went and fucked that up, "She's okay," he said softly, glancing up at Daryl, and then quickly looking away at his glare, "But you shouldn't be worrying about that right now, you need to get some rest,"

Daryl looked away from Rick trying to ignore the anger he felt bubbling in his stomach and huffed softly as he met Carl's eyes again, "How are you feeling?" he asked.

Carl licked his dry lips, "Tired," he told him, voice weak, "And it hurts,"

Daryl nodded, and reached for the glass of water and bottle of pills on the nightstand, "Take two of these and drink some water, and you'll feel a bit better," he told his son softly.

"Okay," he murmured, and both he and Rick helped the boy sit up, and he winced when he heard Carl let out soft groans of pains. Daryl held the glass to his lips and helped him get a mouthful before passing him two of the white pills, which he swallowed easily.

"Am I going to be okay?" Carl asked softly after he'd taken the pills, and Rick and Daryl laid him down again.

Daryl frowned as he watched Rick lean down and kiss his head, and Carl sounded so scared it made Daryl's heart hurt.

"You're going to be fine, Carl," Rick murmured.

Carl nodded, and his eyes started to drift close as his exhaustion and the drugs began to quickly catch up with him. Daryl watched him as he fell asleep, ecstatic to know that he was going to wake up again, which only several hours ago, they had no guarantee of.

Daryl watched Carl until Rick took his hand and led him out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"We must be the luckiest sons of bitches that ever lived," Daryl said, snatching his crossbow from where he'd sat it on a nearby side table, and then leaned against the wall, closing his eyes and sighing deeply.

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