Chapter 1 - The Night Light

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Zephyr walked a good while, until she reached a rather open part of the forest. It was higher located and closer to the waterfalls. It didn't look like a jungle anymore. There were more rocks now and fir trees. Sighing, the young brunette sat herself down on a huge tree trunk. ,,I will never be as good as my dad"! She called out, disappointed in herself,  she looked at the ground. Sad and frustrated. Truth was, she really looked up to her father. She tried her best to live up to him. He was the first one to tame and ride a dragon, when he was her age. Zephyr adored her father more than he knew. She saw him as a role model and that was the real reason she got so mad. It wasn't her fathers fault. Now she felt bad for making him think that. Even her younger brother Nuffink, was good at dragon taming. Why was it that she couldn't do it? As she went on, kicking some tiny stones and sticks, she suddenly stopped. There were some red dots on the ground. ,,Hm"? Zephyr looked closer. A bit confused, the young brunette got up again. Following the red dots in the sand. There further she walked, the more of the blood she found. On leaves and sticks. Then she saw more. Broken branches, ripped grass and traces in the sand, as if something slithered along the road. ,,This doesn't look good" she aspirated as she tiptoed further. The whole scenary gave her an uncomfortable feeling. Something had happened here. All her senses were screaming for her to take her heels and run but her curiosity took the hold of her. Carefully, Zephyr looked around. There was nothing. Maybe she should indeed run as fast as possible and get some help? Maybe someone was in danger? All this blood looked as if someone or something got hurt really badly.

Suddenly a light growl from the bushes made the young viking flinch. Instinctively she grabbed her axe and turned around, gasping. Again, nothing. ,,I'm armed"! Zephyr warned ,,Come out and show yourself"! She tried to sound as confident as possible. After all, she had to be brave but her limbs were shaking. Her father told her to never show fear in the worst case. A snort behind her made her whirl around with a squeal. A huge gasp escaped Zephyrs lips as she saw what was behind her. There was a dragon. A night fury. As much as she could tell. His right front leg had some cuts in it and was bleeding strongly, as well as one of his wings. It seemed the dragon got hurt somehow. Zephyr froze in panic. ,,Oh no...oh no" she aspirated and made some shaky steps backwards. Holding on to her axe. ,,I-I'm no long as you're no danger. P-please d-don't...please don't kill me.." she told the dragon who now stopped growling and tilted its head in confusion. ,,Y-your hurt..." Zephyr tried to get a better look at the wounds but the dragon growled at her again. Zephyr let out another scared squeal until she suddenly realized that it was the axe. ,,Oh...ok" she muttered as she realized. ,,I..I will put my axe down...if you promise not to hurt me"! The dragon slimmed his eyes for a second and watched how Zephyr put her axe down. ,,See? I wont harm you"! She opened up her arms but the dragon growled again. ,,What? I put it down...oh" and she took her knife and the other small weapons and put them to the axe. ,,Ok...satisfied now"? She looked at the black and white dragon who eyed her suspiciously. After the reptile made sure that the young viking girl had indeed no visible weapons on her anymore, he relaxed and eyed her curiously.

Zephyr let out a relived sigh and then eyed the dragon as well. He looked different. Not as a regular Night fury. Not like toothless. He wasn't entirely black. Nor was he entirely white. Not like the fury dragons she uses to know back home. Toothless was entirely black. And Snowflake was entirely white. Suddenly Zephyr tilted her head as she looked at the dragon more carefully. The dragon imitated her and also tilted his head, purring while doing so. ,,Wait a minute.." Zephyrs eyes went wide as she suddenly remembered. ,,I think I know you"! The dragon lifted its head. ,,You're one of Toothless kids aren't you"? The dragon made a noise and whipped its head at the sound of its father, remembering the young viking girl as well. ,,Yeah! I remember you. You are a Night light"! Zephyr started smiling ,,I was a child back then. We were children back then. Dad showed us the hidden world and then we took a flight and you. Wait..." the young brunette stopped. ,,Where are your siblings"? The Night light gave it a sad growl and looked down at his wounds. ,,I got separated. Who did this to you? Dragon hunters? a other dragon"? Zephyr came closer to the Night Light but it shook its head. ,,So you flew and got hurt somehow"? The Night light gave it a growl and looked up to the pointy rock wall. Zephyr thought. ,,Did you get into a fight with a other dragon"? She asked the Night light but it shook its head. ,,So it was an accident"? The dragon lowered its head in shame and purred. ,,Well" Zephyr shrugged her shoulders ,,You really managed to hurt yourself bad. Can't fly like that can you"? Again the Night light purred sadly. ,,Ok..I will help you. I can't bring you all the way down into the village now. You're to hurt to walk. I will go back and get some stuff to clean the wounds and bandage them alright"? The Dragon nodded at her. ,,Nice"! Zephyr grinned at the dragon. She felt proud and happy. Finally a dragon she didn't got scared to death of. After all, it was Toothless offspring. They knew each other. ,,I' ll be back as soon as possible"! Zephyr promised and caressed the dragon over its head.

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