One Year

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A year had gone by, and the two became closer friends. Tadashi would have her over every other day, usually to work on projects. She was always his partner, and he was always hers.

Together, the two excelled in school. They studied with one another, helped each other, and did everything friends would do.

Since the first day, Tadashi had been introduced to some other students. The five of them became their own group.

Gogo was a daredevil. She loved riding motorcycles and was trying to find a way to make the fastest one. She was a strong leader as well, but quite stubborn.

Honey Lemon, aka Aiko, was the girly one of the group. She loved chemistry; it was her favorite subject. She was sweet and caring, which was a great to have.

Wasabi was the neat-freak, and loved playing with particles. He always created dangerous, but amazing things. He and Gogo were always against one another.

Fred wasn't really a student. He just loved fictional things, and was a science enthusiast. He always wanted Honey and Wasabi to create crazy inventions, but they didn't agree to it.

Tadashi loved this group. They made him feel accepted and glad to have come to this college.

That was only one year.

Author's Note: My apologies. That wasn't much of an interaction chapter. It just explained what happened over the year.

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