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the sun shines through the curtains, onto the thin white sheets that shuddered throughout the wind slipping through the cracked window. the beautiful light brightening up most of the small curtained room.

the constant beep sound coming from the outside of the door, next to the bunk beds. the top bunk occupyed by a 31 year-old handsome boy laying on top of the bed. his black hair fluttering softly through the crisp air. his eyes closed, eyelashes laying on the clean skin. his lips cracked and stained by a strawberry.

he was wearing a baby blue expensive button up shirt, and the special black pants that he favored.

his fingers twitch, his body pulling his coffee milk skin.

"hey, min yoongi," whispers someone. they tugged on his shirt, his eyes opening slightly to close once again.

"unless someone is dying, don't wake me up," he mutters.

"kang called a meeting for all the residents who skill with younger people. and he specifically told me to wake you up so you could go to it."

yoongi opens his eyes and rolls his eyes at pakji, his coworker—and best friend. they were fellows at the same time and began to grow a close bond.

her silky gray/blue hair was thick and curly, laying on her mid back. her skinny frame that was wearing a pearl pink dress shirt and khaki dress slacks fit her perfectly along with her pink makeup and peached lips.

yoongi sighed, getting up from his sleep. he climbed out of bed and jumped onto the floor where he walked and grabbed his jacket to put on. the white clothing whipping through the air as they both head out the door.

"good morning, doctor min," chae, a nurse, bows at yoongi and he just nodded.

he was cold; his icy stare throwing daggers at anybody who came across it.

"yoongi, slow down!" pakji groans from a distance away. she was struggling to keep up. her only excuse was that his legs were only "slightly bigger than his."

as they make it to the conference room, yoongi sits down and leans back to hear what the owner of the hospital was assigning.

"we have a new program being built in with the administration from a different hospital in busan... patients will be brought here tomorrow at 11am so i will need you all to be here without exception. everyone here will be paired up with four teens as their doctors."

yoongi sits up, eyes widened. "tomorrow as in july 7th?"

"i know you're not scheduled, but this is—"

"i'm not coming." yoongi bluntly spoke. his arms were crossed with a stringent look on his face.

"doctor min!" dr. kang starts, "you are to come in tomorrow at 9am or else you will be suspended."

yoongi huffs, falling back onto his chair. other doctors and nurses looked at him, whispering about how reckless he was.



"hey babe." voices take over the stall in the empty bathroom. voices of one, pure and silky lacing through the phone and one rough and loud. 

"what's up?" the phone talks.

"i can't come tomorrow. i was called into work. i'm just going to have to see you when you return."

disappointment laced yoongis voice. his boyfriend had been out in gwanju for three weeks for his fathers wedding. yoongi wasn't invited due to the fact his father was extremely homophobic towards the lad.

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