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jungkook hummed.

they were both in the car, lightening flashing above with the humid air. the soft buzzing sound of the radio taking over the silence as a replacement. air moving through the vents, blowing jungkooks bangs up and down-side to side.

"he's a boy who dresses in clothes that make him seem like he's mean. but he's really soft and he relies on people. i've known him since kindergarten and he's really been through stuff."

yoongi nodded, face being illuminated by the orange street light.

"how old is he? 16?"

"he's 18."

yoongi's eyes widened. "so you were in kindergarten fucking with a second grader?"

"first," jungkook laughs quietly. "and he's a senior this year."

"doesn't make it any better. he's 18 which means illegal things for you."

jungkook rolled his eyes. "he's not like that. if you really knew him you'd understand why he does the things he does."

yoongi nodded, letting silence and the iu song fill the car. jungkook hummed along, swinging his head side to side.

the elder smirked. "so do you like jimin?"

"what?! no way! i'm not gay. not everyone in a gay story is gay." jungkook crossed his arms. "plus i have my eyes on a girl."

"ji-eun is like 30 years old. you dont have a single shot with her," yoongi chuckled, turning into his driveway. jungkook just huffed and brought his brows down in frustration.

"why are we here?" jungkook says, nodding his head at yoongi's complex instead of jungkooks home.

"you don't want mom knowing, right?" yoongi winked and clicked his seatbelt off, stepping out of the car.

the fresh night air piercing his skin as the wind blew in every direction. with each stride he took, the moon lighting up his caramelised skin.

jungkook got out of the car, snarky face laid on as he shut the door. the two joined up, walking two feet apart from each other. the sound of gravel filling their ears with a relaxing crunch.


"doctor min!"

another day in the white, sanitary building.

yoongi knew every path and shortcut to the building as his five year mark was coming up. ever since his residency his name is almost always being called.

"we have a seizing patient in the lobby." nurse choi says, worry in her face.

yoongi sighed and began rushing to the main waiting room. not that he was annoyed by a hurt civilian-but that he had just done a stressful four hour surgery and planned on taking a nap until paged or called.

entering the lobby, yoongi sees nurse choi with a smirk on her face. yoongi stared her down and trailed his eyes to a tall man with balloons in his hand. he was in a long tan jacket with ripped jeans on his long longs and white slip vans.

his hair, long and feathered in a heart shape to match his heart shaped head and lips. his eyes a milky honey with a dazzle in the middle. his smile reaching his ears that perked out slightly.

he was truly handcrafted by the finest gods themselves.

"hoseok." yoongi's brows fell down as he rushed to hug his boyfriend of six years. he rushed over and latched himself around the taller male. his comforting smell enveloping him as he smiled and closed his eyes.

"hi baby," hoseok smiles as he pushes yoongi softly away with his slender fingers on his shoulders.


"because you wouldn't come see me i came to see you."

yoongi frowned, taking the paper cup with steaming coffee in it to his lips.

"i missed you," yoongi muttered to hoseok, teeth edged on the rim of the cup.

hoseok smiled warmly and rubbed his arm. "you should go back to work now. i'll see you at home?"

yoongi nodded with a small smile on his lips. hoseok smiled and stood up, ruffling yoongis soft dark hair before giving him a delicate kiss and turning to leave.

yoongi's heart pounded against his chest and he had a deep smirk wiped onto his face that wouldn't go away. he truly was in love with hoseok and nobody would stop him from marrying that handsome man.

"oh! i should text him that kook is at my house," he says, taking out his phone and pulling up him and hoseoks messages. the emptiness of the chat made him hesitate, but he typed out the words and sent it to his lover.

"yoongi!" a voice calls for him.

"being a doctor sure does mean your name gets called a lot," he shook his head, turning it to see who had called for him.

when he turned he saw a head of soft, fluffy brown hair. he smirked and rolled his eyes.

"ugh! yoongi rolling his eyes at me makes the next boy go surfi-"

"doctor!" a nurse says, sitting right next to him who was standing.

he smiled and winked. yoongi walked towards the man and gave him a hug.

"how was congo?" yoongi asks.

"it was fairly nice. i treated about 300 people there which is a good number for two weeks," he nods.

yoongi nodded back, humming as his eyes trailed off. "did you hear about the directors new thing he wants to do?"

seokjin rolled his eyes. "it's the first thing he said to me. i have to take care of some 17 year old." he shook his head.

"the lists already came out?" yoongi asks, stopping mid-sip.

"yeah, you didn't see it?"

"no, where is it?"

seokjin ducked his lips. "it's in every office of every department."

yoongi quickly thanked seokjin before turning and rushing to the neurology department. passing by medical rooms, dodging carts and patients on the bed and doctors in a rush. secretary's bowing to him as he made his way down the white sanitized halls.

seeing the sign that says, "neurological department" he rushes to open the first door behind the empty secretary desk to reveal an office with computers and another door with beds inside for on-calls.

he walks to the bulletin board with papers and flyers pinned up with multicolored thumb tacks  and tape. his eyes brighten when he sees the paper with the names of the doctors and patients and skims through it to find his name.

he smirks and places his finger on the line and traces it across the line to his patients name: park jimin.

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