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100 days before Judgment

    The raid on the White Mask Headquarters in St. Petersburg is over. The last of there forces are spread out and lost with no organization I am standing on the outside of the Steel Fortress.

    "Hey, Fuze." Six approaches me "Good work today without your Cluster Charges we wouldn't have been able to take out all of those people. Working on clean up now. We've done it."

    "What is the fate of Rainbow now?" I inquire. We have no use now seeing as our reason for activation is gone. "Will we be disbanded again? Left to fight one another again?"

    "I'm not sure but I feel this has strengthened the relationship of all countries I have a feeling the world will be a better place after this, thank you Kessikbayev."

    "Many thanks Six, I must go on patrol for now."


99 days before Judgment

    In the tent around the now empty fortress many Operators sleep. Vigil is across from me Warden is above me. Phones screen turns on with a notifying me to get up and go on the morning mission for hunting down the last of the White Masks. I walk to the Spetsnaz truck with nothing but the standard Camo Sweatpants and Shirt with the Spetsnaz logo.  I get to the truck and my gear is waiting for me. Kapkan on my left is also on the attack with me. After were fully geared we get on a Blackhawk and ride to large factory building. Clearly abandoned. Yet the White Mask vehicles are outside along with boarded up doors and windows. "Alright you guys rappel off here secure the building. I'll be waiting at Bravo Base for the evac notice, Understood?" The Pilot speaks into the radio.

"All good." Kapkan says while rappeling off we land about 70 feet from the building they know were near from the helicopter noise. 

    I throw a drone into a window and scout out the entire building. there are some of there gas containers ready to go. They all seem tired and confused as they patrol the building. I find a window where a lot of White Masks are talking. I Cluster the window no survivors. I deploy a Charge and hot breach in. A survivor looks at me with a destroyed mask and most of his body bloody. All I saw in his eyes were regret as he lost his conciousness. The smell of sulfur ignites my nostrils even through the mask as I go deeper in all I can hear is the sound of Kapkan below me. "I almost feel bad for them." I say to Kapkan over the radio

    "Don't be, they made there choice." BANG. I continue through the building eliminating hostile around me. I turn a corner and a man unlike the rest of the Masks with a black helmet and a Vest that says in Russian The New World-. I don't get a chance to read it. He immediately fires at me with an AN-94 I return fire but he's gone. 

    "Hey Kap have you seen any Tangos dressed in black?" Silence. I run down the stairs. There White Mask bodies I never made. I go all the way down. I hear shuffling but its pitch black. I turn on my flash light and theres the Black Soider Holding down Kap choking him out. He looks at me before picking up his gun running backwards while firing. He hits me on the left arm. Before I take cover on a pillar all I see is Kap's lifeless body. Bullets whiz by. I can't use my rifle because of my hit arm so I take out my Makarov pistol and fire back. I hear the sound of bullets hitting flesh as the Tango hits the floor. I come over to him on the floor and hold the gun on his head with my one good arm. In Russian I say "Who are you. What is your intent?" He simply looks at me and raises a hand over his mouth and pulls down the facemask revealing a scarred face. Expressionless he puts something in his mouth and lays still. he convulses twice before stopping. "Kingpin, requesting evac." I look over at kaps body. I walk over to it and pick up his dog tags. "Goodbye... Comrade."


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