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This chapter is gonna be a little shorter than the last one. - Chloe

The sound of music filled my ears as I awoke from my slumber. Carefully getting up I opened the curtains to the single window in my apartment. Gazing out, I see multiple lights somewhere around what I thought was the park.

'That's right, the festival is tonight' I thought before closing the curtains.

The clock on the wall read 7:00 p.m.

Changing into jeans and a red hoodie, I put my shoes on, grabbed my phone, and headed in the direction of the lights with my skateboard under my feet.

I made it to the park to see students, locals, and tourists all dressed in kimonos and other festive outfits. I walked around the event for some time, eventually picking up some food and a cat mask. After finishing eating, I checked the time on my phone only to notice it had already been an hour and a half. The sky was dark and the stars were visible. I smiled. I loved the night.

It was the most peaceful time of the day in my opinion. It was like a whole new perspective, kinda like being in a different place all together. What I love most about the nights though, are the stars. I was often discouraged by the clouds that would cover them.

But not tonight. Tonight they were bright despite all the light pollution. No clouds in sight.

I throw down my board and push off in the direction of a tall building. I often visited rooftops during times like these.

Finally reaching my destination. I entered the old concrete building, walking up the stair set all the way to the top. Opening the door, I saw two men. Although I recognized the aura surrounding the rooftop. A boy with silver hair leaned against the railing.

'The same feeling from the man at the shop' I thought, feeling fearful as to whether I should turn around or not. Deciding against leaving, I shut the door behind me with a click.

Seeming a little startled at hearing the door the other man turned towards me with a camera in his hands. I recognized him immediately.

'Totsuka' I remembered his name.

He smiled at me "Ahh, Koharu." he said in a joyful voice. 

"Tot-suka" I said shivering.

Switching my attention to the mysterious man, I watched as he turned around with a large grin, gun in hand. Silver hair seemingly glowing in the night sky as I ran forward pushing Totsuka out of the way right before he pulled the trigger.

With a loud gunshot, pain exploded in my shoulder. I dropped to my knees as the man ran past us, the sound of the door clicking indicating his exit. 

The last thing I remember was Totsuka catching me before I hit the ground. Looking into his eyes, I blacked out.

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