The Magic Show

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Hi, here's a disclaimer. So, the storylines will most likely be way different from how the real show goes. Oh, and Jervis's personality may be different in most parts as well. I don't know yet. Some parts will be the same if this, for instance, the magic show scene. When Jervis is introduced, he's hypnotizing random people from the crowd at a show. I will be including that small clip, and possibly many more in this series. Remember, though, this isn't the real show Gotham. This is my own version of a fan fiction based story. Thanks!

It was dark... then, with a sudden and startling flip of the huge spotlights, there was the image of a tall man with dark brown curly hair. He had a heart melting smile, yet tempting and mesmerizing eyes.. I had to keep this to myself. I had literally just met, well seen, this man. I can't jump to conclusions, after all, what if he was some creepy killer. He can't be much older than me though, so it's alright.

After the lights practically gave me a heart attack, the man introduced himself.

"I... am the Great... Jervis Tetch!" He said in a creepy yet sexy and excited voice. This man must be very happy with what he does.

After introducing himself, he asked for seven volunteers. As the lucky seven people got to their places on the stage, he said what he was going to do.

"This little thing I have here..." he said as he pulled out a small pocket watch, "It holds the power of hypnotizing people. Of course, it does take skills to use.. for other people. For me, all you have to do is look into my eyes."

He slowly brought the watch higher up, until it was about to all the volunteer's faces. It began ticking..

"I need all of you to look into my eyes... not above them, not around them.. but deep into the center.."

"When I snap, these seven people will start acting as if they were random animals." Jervis said as he snapped.

Immediately after he did, those people began the noises. One was a chicken, another was a dog. The rest didn't matter to me.. all I cared about was watching this.. this absolutely amazing man that was standing right before my eyes.

Jervis laughed. He turned around, amused with their hilarious reactions to the hypnotism.

"Now, when I count to three, you will all stop the animal sounds, and return to your human self... not knowing anything about what just happened."

"One..... two..... three!" He emphasized the last word. And just like that, everyone on the stage stopped the sounds. They looked around, wondering what just happened, but started to clap with the crowd anyway. As you can tell by the huge applause, the crowd absolutely loved it.

This man... he was good.

After about, I don't know, 30 minutes of him hypnotizing other people, the show was finally over. Those huge lights flipped off again, and the room went dark except for the small, dim lights placed on the ceiling.

Tetch walked off stage and grabbed a drink from a waiter handing them out. We made eye contact, and he raised his glass when he looked at me. From across the club, I could see the tall sexy man staring right back at me. It was enough to make me blush and stare at the ground. Saying that, it's extremely hard to make me do that. He started walking towards me, exchanging "Hello's" with the random people who came up to him... what was strange was that none of them came close to stopping him from walking up to me.. it was like he wouldn't take his eyes off me.

After what had felt like 50 years of us staring each other up and down and him walking to me, he finally arrived where I was.

"Hello Dear, I am Jervis.. Jervis Tetch. You are..?" He said, smiling with his pearly white teeth all visible. Someone was happy.

"Hello! I'm Isabella Samuel, but most people call me Bella. If you prefer the old fashioned full name, go right ahead!" I exclaimed. I'm glad he came over here. His aura is just so pleasing to be around.

"Nice to meet you Isabella. What a beautiful name! What did you think of the show? Was it terribly embarrassing or was it marvelous?" He was full of questions. I could tell no one ever took the time to actually have a good conversation with him.

"Thank you! And yes, the show was absolutely amazing! I don't know how you do it, but it's incredible." I said as I could feel my face get redder.

"I say, what about you and I go back to my place for a cup of tea. This wine here is far to disturbing to drink. It has the taste as if it was three years old." Jervis said as he placed the glass on the counter.

"Sure, why not!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my coat from the back of my chair. Jervis grabbed his hat, placed it on his head, and wrapped his arm around mine.

What a gentleman.

We walked out of the club, and drove back to his place. It was a huge, lovely looking mansion. Few decorations on the outside, including a clock above the door. I thought that was odd, but this man had a strange personality.

When we approached the door, he unlocked it and held it open for me. I thanked him and walked in.

The inside of the house was decorated in an old fashion style. Old grandfather clocks, a few world maps, mirrors with fancy gold rims, old looking coffee tables with curved legs, fancy clothed chairs and couches. You name it, he had it.

"Please, hand me your coat." He took my jacket and placed it on a coat hanger.

I thanked him once again.

"Follow me Ms. Samuel." Jervis said as he walked into his dining room. It was beautiful, I must say.

"Please, no need to be formal. Just call me Bella." I smiled.

He poured us both some tea, and we both sat at a table.

"So, I've never seen you around, are you new here to Gotham?" I asked. I wanted to learn about him as much as possible.

"Well, yes, I am new here. I decided to come here, mainly because my old city was quite dull. I needed a place with more happening. With more people I can meet, and as you can see, that's going quite well." He said as he gestured towards me.

I laughed a bit. "Ahh, yes. Gotham is quite eventful. Just watch out, there are so many bad things that happen here. It's like every second there's a death that has occurred."


Our random conversations went on for maybe around two hours, before he offered me to stay at his house for the night. He brought me to a lovely guest bedroom. There was a huge closet with plenty of storage for anything I needed in there. There was also a beautifully decorated king sized bed. There were silk, see-through sheets hanging down from the wood frame at the top. There was a vanity, plenty of small knickknacks, windows of course, and a table with two chairs.

He asked if I needed help with anything, and I said I was okay and that I would go get him if I needed anything. He walked towards the door, but turned around and quickly looked me up and down. He then walked out the door and closed it behind him.

What an eventful day..

If only I knew what trouble and danger I was about to get myself into...

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