Fallen and met

21 0 1


Does not break

The bonds we make.

But because

we know our

TIME Is short our bonds


Light pink petals from the cherry blossom tree falls gently all around. I sit on top of the highest branch and watch the
human children play on the field.

Spring, the time when new spirits are born, and the old ones show their true form. Today I am 17 springs old. I am now allowed to venture outside of my cherry blossom tree. My hair which is the color of wheat flows with the breeze, it sometimes shows a little bit of pink at the ends. My pure white kimono blows with the spring wind as well.

The children below are playing with a round object, they throw it and bounce it around, I wonder what it is?
Then suddenly something forces me off my branch.

I fall.
Mustering up my strength I made The petals and wind slow down my fall a bit, but I didn't stop.

Then I felt two strong arms catch me. Surprised, I looked at the persons face, it was a male human. He had dark brown hair, like the color earth, his onyx colored eyes gaze back at me. He smiles and sets me down. I felt my feet touch the soft earth,the light green grass tickles my toes. I turn to the man who saved me and bowed.

'Thank you very much' I mouthed. I could not speak the language of humans yet, I can understand them and I can mouth what they say, but I cannot speak yet. I look up and smile at him. Up close I got a better image of the man. His oak wood brown hair barely touched his shoulders, he had beautiful onyx eyes that seemed to look deep within ones soul. He had lightly tanned skin which was toned well, he looked handsome, especially in his dark blue robes. A small rectangular object was clutched in his hand. He caught me staring and gave low chuckle.

"Are you interested in my book?" He asked.

I cocked my head to the side. I was confused, what was a b-o-o-k? Then I realized it was the rectangular object when he showed It to me, it was an auburn leather bound book, on the front there were a bunch of weird symbols. I looked at them curiously. Again he laughed softly, I shifted my gaze back to the man. He closed his eyes and smiled.

"My name is Tadashi Ryuu, what's your name yōsei-san? He asked.

Name..... I do not have a name..... He patiently waits for my answer, then slightly frowns. He gently takes my hand to his and looks at me with sad eyes.

"Do... You not have a name yōsei-san?" Ryuu asked.

I shook my head and looked down to the ground ashamed. I felt something warm touch my head, it was his hand.

"Well then, let's just give you a name." He smiled. Ryuu paused for a bit then spoke, "How about Chiharu. It means 'a thousand springs', it's perfect don't you think?"

I don't why but... Suddenly...Tears formed from my eyes, it was the first time anybody has given me anything. Ever since I was born I was alone. My chest ached, I felt a warm feeling inside. What is this? What's happening?

Ryuu started to panic. "Chiharu what's wrong?! Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?"
I shook my head and tried to wipe the tears in my eyes. It seemed that Ryuu had calmed down. He rubs my head again. I look up at his smiling face.

"That's not right Chiharu, you shouldn't cry, come on, smile. Smile Chiharu!"
I smiled as he wiped away my tears with his fingers. Then he looks at me again, this time his eyes were curious. I felt my face get warm for some reason.

"You know Chiharu, you look very different than the other women in this country." He told me. "For one thing your appearance is very unique. Everyone in Japan has either brown or black hair, but your hair is the color of gold, and in the light I see different shades of pink like the color of the sakura tree from whence you fell from."

"And your eyes are impossibly blue, it is the color of the ocean and it sparkles brighter than any jewels. Your skin is fair and cheeks rosy, you're actions are elegant and graceful like a flower." Ryuu continued, "Chiharu, you are different, you are unique. You are enchanting."

He gasps for breath and falls back to my cherry blossom tree. I blushed, I opened my mouth to say thank you, but I remembers that I can't speak so I closed it quickly. Ryuu noticed this and asked if I could speak. I replied with a slow shake of my head. He closed his eyes as if deep If in thought. Then shortly opens them again revealing his onyx eyes.

"Would you like me to teach you how to speak?" He asked again. I immediately answered with a nod. He smiled and put his right arm behind his head. Then He takes his book and amazingly it opens! Fascinated by the wonder of this object I stared at it, Ryuu smirked and began to flip through the thin material imbedded inside the book. He stops, and closes it again. I was disappointed.
Ryuu began to laugh hard. I wondered why he was laughing.

His laughter finally calmed down. "Well, first things first. Chiharu let me listen to your voice."
I frowned. Then I realized what he wanted me to do. I took a breath and opened my mouth, I did not know the human language but I could speak the language of nature

"Rumpere vincla tempus non facimus, sed tempus breve, quia vincula nostra roboratur. " my voice rings as clear as a bell. As I spoke the words the wind had changed its direction, the branches swayed from the trees and the earth hummed a tuneless melody. Ryuu's eyes widened. He mumbled something under his breath.
The phrase I spoke was my most favorite.Someone used to always say it to me when I was but a sapling. Now that I think about it, I wonder who it was that told me the phrase.

"Well then." Ryuu dusted of his kimono, "let's get started shall we".


Yōsei - fairy

Sakura - cherry blossom

Note: when Ryuu said his name as 'Tadashi Ryuu' his first name is Ryuu and his last name is Tadashi.
If you write it in english it would be written as 'Ryuu Tadashi'.

Under the Cherry Blossom Tree (Rewritten in Seasons of Time)Where stories live. Discover now