Blink of no eye

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We panted, the dream had been terrifying. 

"Gweneth, be quiet would you?" 

"Sorry mom," we yelled from our room. 

Split glared taggers at the door, opens her mouth to speak then shuts it abruptly. We sit quietly not saying a word, then Split pulls into me but my scars remain glowing. 

"What the-" Our eyes glow red and blue, and the air grows thin, we can't close our eyes, or blink, they are glued open. 

Our breath is fast, gasping for the normal atmosphere that we are used to but it doesn't come. We try to scream, yell, for help but our voice doesn't work beyond a peep, our eyes water, we start to float, Split bursts out but is pulled back in her Spirit rises, then hovers, crashes back into us, we start feeling sick, really sick. The air tornado pulls apart, like the Doctor... The pain is overwhelming, Split forms, our spirits hover above us, we black-out. 

Split in OneWhere stories live. Discover now