part 2

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Monday comes around and it's time to get ready for school. You are dreading this day because this is the day you start your new class. You call Minji while you're getting ready. As Minji answers the phone she says, " It's a bummer you have to switch classes, do you know who your new teacher is? Do you still have wave one lunch? " " No, I have stupid wave 2 now and my teacher some dude named Park. Mr Park." You respond. There was a moment of silence. "Oh. My. God. " Minji eventually replies. "What?!" you hesitantly reply. "That's the hot teacher all the drama is about!" Minji says in a high pitched squeal. "No way! " You get scared. "No, that's good sis, you can tell me everything, and if what the rumors say is true, you could get to him actually for yourself..." Minji says seductively. You laugh, and hang up immediately.

While driving to school, you think about what Minji has said; ".. you could get some of that hot action for yourself, nah who am I kidding? He will be too busy with the hotter girls anyway. " You think. In 15 minutes you arrived to the school. Man. You slowly tread the class. When you get into class, the teacher hasn't arrived yet. Everyone is already taking their seats anyway. You take a seat in the back of the class. When the teacher arrived, everyone started hooting and hollering. "Settle down now. Sit down SETTLE down! " Everyone sat and quieted down instantly after the teacher said to. That's when you see him. Fiery, red, hair. Full, pink, lips. Deep, dark, brown, eyes. "Well, he's gonna have a lot of chics.. " You accidentally say out loud. " Well, are you gonna be one of them?" He looks you dead in the eye as he says that. You roll your eyes to the back of your head as you feel the blood rush to your cheeks. You lay your head down on the desk already exhausted.

Lunch rolls around. You sit in the courtyard, alone. You don't know any one in your lunch wave and nor are you interested in them anyway. It was pretty peaceful for the most part.

You walk to the mall with Minji and the rest of your group. You guys mainly go there to people watch, not shop. While snacking down, Ty spots Old Mr Jenkins, a teacher from your school who people jokes is a pedophile. " I bet he is here to hook up with teenagers. " Ty jokes. " You guys. It's so weird saying teachers out of school. It's like they have a life for something. " Zero continues to joke. Zero acts like a complete child, and he's the oldest out of you and your friends. You are all seniors, but he was held back a year or 2. "Shh! Guys!" Marrinette freaks out. "He's coming OUR way! " Mr. Jenkins arrives to you and your friends. " have y'all done yalls homework? "He he says with a smile. Before he could even get out that sentence, your clip quickly walks off with you. " Ew! Imagine dating a teacher like on those TV shows! Bleh! " Menji chokes. " Wait. Y/N. How's the new schedule? " Zero asks.

All you can think is.. Don't. Get. Me. Started.

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