My Slip Up!

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Bryan's POV~

The cold breeze. It was like my soul. Cold, empty and lacks emotions. As I came closer to the Theme Park I knew I had to pretend to be what they see me as... A happy, energetic and scared owner. I take a deep breath before I put on a convincing smile:

 I take a deep breath before I put on a convincing smile:

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It's not much

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It's not much... But as long as I can keep up the illusion they won't suspect a thing. I walk in with a 'happy' smile as I see Bellora and Baby by her tent...

Baby's POV~

I couldn't stand still! We were going back through the portal to play mini games and I was a bit scared to go through again but, it will be nice to play mini games again! I suddenly saw Bryan, "BRYAN!!", he looked at me and smiled,, "Hi, Baby!!", he made his way over to greet us, "Hi, Bellora!", he seemed in a good mood today so that was a good sign! Rockstar Freddy, Rockstar Foxy, Lefty and Helpy came over, "The portal is ready!", he smiled, "Coming, Helpy!", we all made our way to the portal...

Freddy's POV~

I lead them to the portal, which was still active, to play the mini games and get it over with and I'm not looking forward to it.

Few minutes later...

OK! Murder mystery again! Lovely... Everything seems fine... Normal? I mean, everyone is here and no has any side affects from the portal... So it actually might be a calm day! As we we were all playing the game, Foxy suddenly spoke up, "Bryan? You aren't talking are you, OK?", I heard him clear his throat before he responded, "Yeah, I'm OK, Foxy!", that was weird... Even for me...

After the mini games...

Bellora's POV~

The mini games were calming... But still, I felt like something isn't right... But what?! What could be wrong?! Bryan said that was fun, while Freddy was talking to Foxy. I agree to a certain degree... Bryan then excused himself for a moment and left to go to the bathroom... I think.

Bryan's POV~

Once I knew I was alone, I let out a sigh and I let my smile drop, to be honest, I don't know how much longer I can put up with faking my emotions anymore... It's just hard to keep a smile on when you don't feel the joy in smiling, "Bryan?? Are You OK??", I look to see Baby! I quickly put a smile on and turned to face her and just smiled, "I'm OK, I'm just a bit tired...", she nods and I tell her that I'm going to start head home and she agreed to let the others know.
Soon after I left I let out a sigh... Far... Too.... Close! But like I care... They will find out eventually...

Foxy's POV~

We all sat by the fountain, talking about the portal, when Baby suddenly came running to us, "Elizabeth?? What's wrong?", she looked at her mom and us, "I went to go check on Bryan but when I did his smile just dropped! When he noticed my presence he quickly put a smile on and acted like it never happened...", Freddy frown, Bellora was thinking, I was also thinking and Helpy was concerned, "Why would Bryan need to fake a smile??", Freddy look at me, "Unless this isn't the first time he's done it...", we all agree to ask Bryan questions and keep tabs on him... He was hiding something and we are going to drag it into the light!

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