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Sorry this update is so late! 😄

I found some more adorable Hufflepuff x Slytherin stuff!

I found some more adorable Hufflepuff x Slytherin stuff!

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This actually mskes me so happy

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This actually mskes me so happy.

This actually mskes me so happy

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So beautiful 😍

I absolutely love these! Ok but why is the Hufflepuff a prettier me with freckles XD

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I absolutely love these! Ok but why is the Hufflepuff a prettier me with freckles XD

I absolutely love these! Ok but why is the Hufflepuff a prettier me with freckles XD

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I need this jacket in real life <3 <3

I have a question.
What is your absolute OTP atm? Just curious. :3

For me I'd have to say... Oh my gosh this is so hard because I don't have a main fandom that I'm into. X3
I can't decide...
These are like, my top ones in no particular order:
King x Diane from Seven Deadly Sins
Ban x Elaine from Seven Deadly Sins
Percy x Annabeth from Percy Jackson
Max x Eleven from Stranger Things
Bakugou x Kirishima from BNHA
Uraraka x Izuku from BNHA

lmao I'm so indecisive XD
ILY 💛💛❤❤

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