Poem About You

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It's time...
The moment I finally leap.
What got me here is not what lets me fall...
But I'll fly just the same.

You call me...
I listen...
And it hurts...
Sometimes you really do.

I watch my skin...
Tare away from my face.
Sliding, slamming, tripping --- down this building.
I wish I didn't slip...

Maybe the tears made me forget...

If only someone were there to catch me...
I guess I'd break their arms.
But that's ok...
Maybe it all is.

Yesterday, do you remember that?
That's when I heard it...
It was the last time I would ever listen.
You said it --- and all things later did not matter.

When I shot you...
When I killed you...
I did not cry.
We are all waste air with our thoughts...

At least I helped.

Life never had to make sense, and maybe it never will.
But I've given up... so I'll never know what's what.
Just promise me, when I cross onto your side...
That you won't hate me... because I can't murder...
...what's already dead.

This poem was inspired by message board... hoard... chaos... and life's daily stresses... or at least the stresses I made out of life due to perception and that alone. Regardless, I did not kill anyone... and I don't even think the poem is about me... just feelings... all feelings.

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