Crutches In A Car Crash

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They're hurting me, I need my pills, always,
Help me! So many around, but to them I am futile, please,
They're in cold shadows, still ignoring my cries, falling,
My mistake, the memory is killing me now, forgive,
Looking at the others, I wonder why I don't just jump, down,
Pains, they're so easy to get rid of, my legs, too young to feel this fragile, these,
A fall I fear, maybe I will roll, maybe I will just slide, steep,

I feel... I feel empty... something holds me back, weak,
Hollow, I'm bound to fall through if I don't walk off now, stairs,
Weakened, where will I land? Impact... I break everything, knees,

In the above poem a pattern is present. If you look closely, on the right side (last words) it says "Always Falling Down Steep Stairs" and then "Please Forgive These Weak Knees". The message in itself contributes to the poem, and can be seen if you skip a line each word to combine them for proper syntax. What is also interesting is these same words can be used in a pattern to contribute to the actual sentences already organized in the poem. If you take the last word on each line and follow this patter of placement: 2121212 321 by placing the last word in the 1st 2nd or 3rd word of the sentence, the poem makes even more sense. Cool eh? I think so...

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