You've learned about Branchology and Brancho's by @atomochi, well get ready to learn about his mate - a Poppso! It'll be everything you know about a Brancho, but how a Poppso does it!
1 chapter a day for the rest of the month :)
Week 1
Chapter 1: St...
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Kicking where we left off from yesterday's lesson, the next step to sneaking like a Poppso is surprising like a Poppso! There are two ways to surprising like a Poppso. The first one is surprise parties. A Poppso is the queen of surprise parties. She knows just how to catch everyone off guard! The next is a scary kind of surprising. This is when a Poppso wants to scare her friends. Now for the Poppso Surprising Form- have your mouth wide open, so you can get a loud 'SURPRISE!' Out your vocal box. Closing your eyes also helps. Then, have your arms in front of you. This makes you seem scary, starting your prey even more! Just remember one crucial thing-NEVER surprise a Brancho. A Brancho hates surprises. Getting surprised items is okay, as long as they are things a Poppso knows her Brancho will love. Surprise parties are also fine once in a while. But sneaking up and surprising is crossing the line- only do it if your Brancho is okay with it, otherwise they get incredibly spooked and will accidentally hairjitsu you! Anyways, go out and surprise your friends the Poppso way!
AHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE WE FINISHED THE THIRD WEEK ALREADY!! Only one more to go 😭😭 but I have a surprise for you all:
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Look at that cutie!!! Such a hawt smirkkkk!!!!! No wonder a Poppso loves him- oh and I shud have said this a while ago but THANK YOU FOR 1.3K VIEWS AND 300+ VOTES!! They all mean so much to me-
Also I have one more surprise for y'all-
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Tadah! You all got your professional degree!! I'm so proud of y'all :')