18: The Game Continues....

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Annika's POV

I sigh when I reach kitchen. Shivaay must be suffocating in that cabinet. Everything was going good, we were watching the movie and I wonder if Bee will get what she wants or Cole will survive? Why am I thinking about the movie? Because it was so intriguing, Shivaay and I met after whole 4 days and my family had to come. This thing sucks. 

Just as I open the cabinet to check on Shivaay, my mom calls from behind. "What's this?" I stop dead in my track, my face is pale and I squeeze my eyes shut. This cannot be more worse. I can't afford looking at Shivaay at this moment. I stand in front of the cabinet and turn around to face my mum or even worse.

Just as I open my eyes, she is having this black thing in her hands, it's a coat, it's Shivaay's coat. I look at her with my jaw literally touching the ground. I turn around and look back in the cabinet, a shiver passes through me. I am relieved as well as worried. Relieved because mum didn't see Shivaay and worried because he isn't here.

Where could he possibly go? I am sure that he won't jump from the 10th floor, he just can't do it? Maybe he is in my room, or in the other room or in the washroom.

"Whose coat is this?" I am brought out of my thoughts by my mum's question. Why did he have to leave this here? I walk over to my mum and snatch the coat from her.

"it's mine." I coldly reply.

"It's over sized. I can't be yours." Is she serious? 

"I bought it online and it came like this. Will you stop asking questions?" I take out the bottle from the refrigerator and pour it into 5 glasses. I am not making coffee or anything for them. I roll my eyes at her and walk out of the kitchen with the tray in my hand and she follows. 

She settles on her previous place and I serve them water. I sit on my previous place and get busy with Tanya and Twinkle not bothering about anyone else. 

"Will you be staying here?" Please say no!

"Yes of course." Dad answers and I roll my eyes. I have to send them away but I know that we both will argue, that's what we do, argue and not talk. I can't win any argument from him because he is my father. I roll my eyes again and they fall on a figure under the couch. I almost scream. My jaw touches the ground once again and my eyes are stuck on his face. 

Shivaay's POV

"When will you go back?" I can't believe this was the first question she asked when her family settled down. This is so rude of her.

I am here under this couch from past 30 minutes and I have been trying what not to gain her attention and finally she sees me. I am so uncomfortable in here. I can tell from her expressions that she is shocked, beyond shocked actually. 

Well, now when her family has decided to stay, I think this is my place until they all sleeps. This place is much better than that suffocating cabinet. When she left to open the door, I got in that cabinet but it was so unhygienic and not my type, this under the couch isn't my type either but it's just a matter of sometime. 

"Make them sleep." I whisper and repeats thrice until she understands and gets up.

"It's late, you should all sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Trivedi, you both in that room." I think she points towards the one that is of the couple. "Dadi, Twinkle and Tanya, you in my room." Where will she sleep? "I'll be here, on the couch." My thoughts are answered and I am glad. Thank god she'll be here outside with me. I am literally smiling at the thought. 

But why is she calling her mom and dad as Mr. and Mrs. Trivedi and not as mom and dad? I need to ask her. I'll get back to that later, but I will.

"Won't you offer us food, we are hungry." The old lady speaks. "Of course, I have made pasta." I have made it, not her. But she looks so excited to feed the old lady. 

I am again left alone, under this couch as they all have walked to the kitchen. I know I can run out of the front door without anyone's notice but I want to see my girl. I am not going without getting a kiss from her. I keep my hands under my head and close my eyes.

Annika's POV

My family is enjoying his hand-made food that I claimed to be made by me and I know he will question me. I am so worried for my boy. It's so suffocating under that couch. I keep on looking out of the kitchen into the hall every minute and finally get up after few minutes. They are still eating. 

  I bend on my knees and look under the couch. He is in a very bad condition. His hair and shirt are soaked with sweat which is also dripping from his forehead. "I am sorry." I say and he opens his eyes. Maybe he was sleeping. 

He gives me a pity look and I feel so bad for him. "15 more minutes and I'll get you out of here." I say and mean it. I will make everyone sleep within 15 minutes and will hug him tightly.

"Whom are you talking to di?" I hear twinkle's voice from behind me and I panic. "Let me see." I get up and out of no where start tickling her to divert her mind. I walk her into the kitchen where another shock awaits for me. 

My mother is all set to bake. She has the flour in a bowl and an apron around her body. Do I even have an apron here? 

"What are you doing?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Baking!" She answers excitedly. They all have finished their food and the utensils are in the dishwasher. I will have to clean these all now. Ugghh, I hate house chores. 

"No you are not. It's already past 11 and I have school to attend tomorrow. I need sleep and you all will also sleep." I lie and earn a glare from both, mother and father but I care less. I take the bowl from her hand and keep it on the kitchen counter. 


Precap- ROBOT!

Okay, so Shaheer Shaikh AKA Dev and Erica Fernandez AKA Sonakshi will be entering this book soon as Mr. and Mrs. Dixit.

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