Mad Max Pt 1

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a/n: hey yall i hope you're enjoying these. my goal is to get this book out there for people to enjoy their dose of billy.

Summary: In this imagine you're hoppers daughter(rip sara) and you know about El hiding with you cuz duh it's your house. anyway this chapter will consist of- well you'll just have to read😉 just cliffhanger tingz✌🏼😌


"Max you little shit what did I tell you about being late" Billy shouted at me as I got in the car from school.

"I'm sorry I was caught up with AV club stuff."

"AV club now you're some fucking nerd all of a sudden? Or were you with those boys I told you to stay away from whoring around?" He asked with a lot more demanding tone and honestly I was getting a little more scared.

I crossed my arms over my chest and said "No billy you know they're actually good people but you wouldn't understand because you're-"

He grabbed my arm forcefully and quite painfully "I'm what finish that sentence Maxine.." His tone was harsh and cold we stared at each other and my eyebrows were furrowed and eyes widened in fear for as his expression was blank like whatever he would do to me didn't effect him in the slightest.

"Don't ever disrespect me again little bitch, know your place." And he threw my arm back down and started to drive.


I was sitting at home with El and we were watching some dumb cartoon on the TV. I think it's good that i can be here most of the time to keep her company because Dad is always out and El can feel really lonely.

I know he means no harm but it just sucks he leaves for such long periods of time without fully explaining why, so I've had to take the role of big older sister and care for El. I heard the phone ring and both our heads snapped towards it than looked back at each other fearing it could have been something bad.

I walked over to phone and picked it up hesitantly.

"Hello?" I asked the mystery person

"Y/n, hey it's max can you talk?" I felt the tension leave my body and gave El a look telling her it's nothing bad, she slumped back in the couch and re directed her focus to the television.

"Yeah yeah of course what's up?" I was kind of friends with the party before we became like the damn scooby doo gang solving the mystery about will and the upside down. Don't tell Steve but I'm their favorite guardian/babysitter.

Steve joined our little party originally wanting to impress Nancy and spend more time at the wheeler's house but ended growing a connection with the kids and wanting to spend more time with them.

He was like my brother and when max came in the picture Mike's grumpy ass was not too fond of it. I persuaded him that they could use another girl their age and Lucas was VERY happy of my persuading skills. They still leave her out of some things which makes me sad but I do my best to include her.

"I was wondering if you could give me and the boys a ride to the movies, I would ask Steve but he's going on a date, and well Billy you know." My thoughts were cut off by her small shy voice. I knew her and Billy didn't get along. All she's told me is that he's just rude and cold with her but I feel shes holding something back.

"Yeah of course, is everyone meeting at Mike's?" Eleven's head popped up when I said his name which was a sensitive subject for her. I also got closer with the party because I would get home and tell El every detail about our day and Mike.

She would get jealous of Max being the only girl their age there with Mike but I would constantly reassure her nothing is going on between them, it's more like her and Lucas.

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