Namjoon II.

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[Namjoon x Lisa]


Much to his chagrin, it took Namjoon a while to realize Yoongi's relation to Lisa.

After that fated day at the bridge, the two have decided to exchange numbers. In all honesty, it made him feel giddy, like how he felt when he had his first crush in grade school. He had met his fair share of pretty girls. In fact, he had dated quite a lot of them, although most were short-lived due to the nature of his work.

But the way he connected with Lisa was just so extraordinary for him. Within just hours of meeting her, he had told her things he never even thought to share with anybody. It wasn't just some superficial attraction he felt for her, rather it was as if he found a soul he could connect with on every level.

So when she called him first and heard her voice through his phone, he almost yeeted the device outside the window in shock. Several thoughts raced in his mind. Should he ask her out? Maybe get some coffee? Or if he's lucky, maybe lunch?

When she exclaimed on the other end, "I only realized after I got home. You're Kim Namjoon of BTS! I'm so slow!"

Oh. She knew him. She freaking knew him. And by the sound of it, it seemed like she was happy to have met a member of Bangtan. He was just so glad, maybe he had a real shot. His smile grew from ear to ear.

Maybe she'd actually go out with him.

And so he promised himself that he would ask her out.

One day.

He just had to get his shit together and ask. It's easy. He had done it before. He'd dated other girls. It was easy as pie.

He was Kim Namjoon. He could do it.



He could do it.

Well, that's what he wanted himself to believe.

Until he realized he had allowed a long ass time to pass without making any moves on the girl. Months came and go, and their phone conversations would just usually revolve around.. pretty much anything except him asking her out.

A lot of things held him back. Him being the leader of a rookie group that just debuted. A dating scandal wouldn't be ideal for them, and he didn't wanna be the cause of their group's demise.

He wondered if he could just stop liking her to make things easier, but he realized there was no way he could do that after the fourth time he fell out of bed as he scrambled to answer her phone call. 

Namjoon was whipped and he knew it.

She was so easy to talk to, and he somehow always ended up sharing with her his innermost thoughts. Sometimes, he'd just talk about the most trivial things, like what he watched on the television the night before. Sometimes, he'd complain to her about his members and she would let out the most beautiful laugh at their antics.

He almost wanted to record her laughter just so he could listen to it whenever he wanted to.

Sometimes she would request for him to tell her about the books he read, and he would talk about them in full detail. Never had he had anyone who was more than willing to listen to his stories, so he was happy to comply.

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