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The days lag on, and the hazy sky rarely ever changes colour - ranging from a mustard green to a worn brown. Despite the constant changes in scenery, there is little or no life.

"Everyday it gets worse" Lia mutters behind me and I hear the quiver in her voice. When we found her a week ago it was a mystery how she survived this long, but soon discovered that her mum Gundi was fluent in many languages as well as hand to hand combat. She had insisted that Lia learnt it as well as English because there is nothing more practical and French because there is nothing more beautiful. Luckily because she spoke English we could understand her rather than her native German.

Finding her had given us hope. Hope that we weren't the only survivors. That life was surviving, that it could return to normal. Her tall build was framed by the long dark brown swaying hair, her lavish brown eyes adjusting slowly to the musty sun that was drifting over the horizon. Surprisingly brighter than usual, it held a spark that gave glimpses of what continued ahead.

Wearily, we readied ourselves for a fight... again. Rotting corpses and shrunk in skulls sat waiting around every corner and in every room, but as we pass another humming generator, a sad realisation hits me. It all looks the same, dead trampled grass, empty shells and magazines, scattered remains littered with bullet holes and a brown gooey muck that was a mixture of blood, pus, sweat and dirt.

Once again the wailing surrounded us and the fighting continued but this time we had the upper hand.

Joyfully Nikolai ran around zapping zombies with the lightning staff while yelling "ZIP!, ZAP!, ZIPPY ZAP!" while chuckling to myself I think of how he reminds me of a child with a new toy. Staying true to Fish's decision we gave the staffs to the 4 boys, knowing that they would be the best to use them, as bad as the situation was its was quite comical to see zombies walking around on fire or frozen.

Backing up into a corner near generator 3, I'm steadily being overrun with relentless hoards of zombies lashing out one after the other. My dual wield five - sevens make it slower to reload and steadily they slip further and further out of my grip until I drop them, fending for myself with nothing but a knife. Suddenly a spray of slug rounds drop them one by one, turning around to see my rescuer standing there as if bored, but instantly I recognise the old brass knuckles her unapologetic eyes digging a way into my soul.

"Thought I heard the sound of failure." she snarkily comments and then tosses me some fresh weapons, she's practically a ninja and this makes me question if she'd been following us, waiting for when we need backup.

I turn back around and behind me I hear her spring into action, trading her shotgun for a faster more versatile weapon. The scenery of my friends is almost amazing, Lia sits up high and safe with a 50 cal Barrett picking them off one by one, April and Rose weave in and out between each other both wielding ray guns, Ellee holds her ground steadily using nothing but an executioner, Fish with her type 25 stands beside Tank clutching the wind staff - both of them protecting each other. Finally, Linslay is in front of Takeo and Nickolai, she shoots the further away ones and Takeo and Nickolai take turns to blast the others, Takeo armed with the Ice staff but strangely Richtofen and his fire staff are nowhere to be seen.

Trusting my instinct that he had disappeared only because he had to, I spontaneously duck and look up to see someones or somethings arm fly through the air. Stopping to wonder what the fuck just happened, I look over to see Richtofen planting monkey bombs around the place and watching the smirk on his face as the undead crawl helplessly, drawn to them like a moth to a flame.

Something scaly grabs my leg and I look down to see a crawler attempting to nibble on my shoe, with a quick kick its head goes flying and hits another zombie, which turns its attention towards me. Unexpectedly it starts sprinting towards me with a quick "Fuck" I whip out my python and shoot the bastard in the head, listening as a satisfying pop shatters its skull and it sprinkles the rotted brain onto the floor below.

I know the problems with crawlers are far from over when I hear the rest of the explosions coming from where Richtofen was standing, that crazy German had now worked his way into a barrier and was standing there dropping grenade after grenade into the ground then running away as they explode behind him.

If youse have any ideas for the next parts then tell me in the comments.

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