World of ice chapter 5

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'Hello Françua and Dina how are you doing?' says Siera. 'Very good thanks, but I see that Cleopas can use some sleep.' says Françua half laughing. 'Yeah, I think I'll go.' says Cleopas obvious very sleepy.

The next day.

'I've to run an errand, I'll be right back.' shouts Cleopas over her shoulder. 'Energetic as ever.......' sighs Diego. Dina pokes her brother and says 'Be happy. If she wasn't energetic there would be a huge problem with her. And Siera wouldn't stop worrying.' 'Yeah yeah you're right..' answers Diego. 'Brother aren't you happy that we're home again?' asks Siera to Pierre who's pissed of about something. 'No no, it's Françua. He jumped on my bed because he had some sort of nightmare...... That idiot.' answers Pierre. 'Gooooooooooooooooooodddd morning everyone! Bonjour mes sœurs et mes frères*. Hellooo..' 'SHUT IT! WE GET THE IDEA!!' screams Pierre at his brother 'You're still mad about that. It happened 3 hours ago.' says Françua calm. 'Thanks to you did I have 3 hours less sleep!!' screams Pierre, his head was as red as a tomato. 'Okey calm down.' demands Dina.


'It's a long time ago that we have shopped together.' says Dina. 'It sure is. You think so to right Siera.' says Cleopas and looks at her youngest sister. 'Oui, a long time.' whispers Siera. Cleopas looks at her other younger sister and says 'Why are you always so quiet, or timid?' 'Just my personality.' is her answer. 'O yeah, I almost forgot to tell this. About 3 months will I go to Italy. Together with my roommates are we going to do a project with the royal princes there.' says Siera. 'Awesome!!!' scream Cleopas and Dina together. 'How long it take?' asks Dina '1 year. 6 months at their home and 6 months at our school.' says Siera. 'Why are they doing this project?' asks Dina. 'To learn from each other's environment.' explains Cleopas, and says to Siera. 'You're lucky that they choose you're dorm.' 'I guess.....' answers she


* Bonjour mes sœurs et mes frères! => Hello my sisters and my brothers!

Good luck


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