[ HE'S SO HOT ; R.H. ]

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        God, I can't stand him.

        The infamous bully held a nonchalant smirk as he exited his sleek Trans-Am, fixing the curved bill of his hat as he slammed the door shut- stuffing the keys in his pocket.
        I myself sat at the stairs just leading up
to the doors to school, waiting for my friends to catch up with me before heading inside. I wasn't really in a 'clique' per say, however I wasn't quite an outcast. It was a pleasant, flexible in between.
        His already broad, built figure grew larger as he drew closer to me, and I bit my lip as I stared down to the book/sketchbook/something else I held in my arms- hoping to not go noticed.
        Without but a glance to me, or even my direction, the bear of a human being stepped right past me- through the doors. The only one to notice me was Henry, who made it a point to kick over the backpack I had beside myself. With a sigh, I wondered what exactly made that boy so angry.
        Brushing it off, I finally got to my feet, deciding friends are lame. Slinging my relatively light/heavy bag (depends on the person lol) over my shoulder before I turned to the door, and found myself blocked. Belch was holding some poor sap's face by the back of the skull, grinning manically.
        "What's up, shitnugget? Ya ever 'almost' hit my babygirl again and I'll fuggin gut ya," he snickered, getting a quick, desperate nod. I quickly made the connection that his babygirl must be his car. Before letting out a loud, deep, earth-fucking-shattering belch.
        And to everyone in the area- his nickname made sense. My lips parted, as if to let my jaw drop. I'd never heard a burp so... Loud? Letting go of the skinny boy's skull, and glanced around. He did a slight fake-out in the direction of a few onlookers, making them flinch before he sniggered.
        That was when our eyes locked. Oh god oh no he's lOOKING at me!
        God, he's so hot. I can barely breathe.
        I couldn't tell if time had slowed or if he was walking slower to scare me- but both made a subtle shiver move up my spine. Soon enough, he was right before me- and I was sure if he wanted to, he could easily kill me. I mean, one of his biceps alone matched the circumference of my head.
        "What'cha starin at-?"
        His voice abruptly pulled me from my zoned out state of bicep-checking-out, and I finally glanced up to his face.
        "I- uh- nothing!" I chirped, quickly looking down to the floor. He seemed to laugh, a heavy hand falling on my head and patting it twice.
        "Huh. Could'a swores you was checkin' me out."

       And with that, my big hot crush walked away- Bowers gang in tow. It almost seemed like he'd looked back over his shoulder to me, but really... Maybe not.

... But I hoped so.

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