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Three A.M. I swiped black makeup (eyeshadow maybe? Honestly I'm not sure, I found it in my bathroom and figured 'it'd do' over my cheekbones.
"It's go time." Leaving the bathroom, I checked myself out in the full body mirror hung against my door.
Crimes times.
As I waltzed back into my room, feeling confident as fuck, I locked eyes with Henry. He was severely underdressed, smoking a ciggie on my bed. And he looked at me, and I looked at him.
"... Babe, what are you wearing?" My jaw DROPPED.
"My heist outfit! Isn't it badass?"
He stared for a moment and chuckled, burning out his cigarette and tossing it in the trash.
"I mean... It's somethin." And I assumed that was an insult, until the alley cat of a man came lumbering up to me, hands creeping around my waist- and meeting my butt with a squeeze and a playful pinch. That let me know Henry thought something /else/ of my outfit.
"Baby, we're just gonna go spray-paint the back of the 7/11. Not a big deal." However I was fairly sure he wanted to do something else before we headed out.
"So should I change?" I questioned, shouldering my leather jacket (one of henry's older ones, it didn't fit those broad shoulders of his quite right anymore.) down to my elbow. That seemed to pique his interest, nestling himself into my shoulder and playfully dragging his teeth along my skin.
"We'll figure that out in a minute.."

"God, Patty, this can't be legal."
"It ain't."
What ain't legal? Breaking into the theater to go fuck in the backseats. He wanted to leave a few marks- to disgust other theatergoers. No worries of the bowers gang seeing- since they always sat in the second to front row- and kicked their boots up on the seats.
I moaned as he pressed his clothed- frustrated- erection against me, and he grinned.
"But don't that make it all the more fun, babe?"
God, it really did. Risk. Danger. God, what if officer Bowers showed up, and found a string of stripped shirts leading into the theater- and caught wind of haggard breaths and excited gasps?
When I came back to reality, Patrick was staring at me. I couldn't quite read his expression, but I'd seen it before. He was curious, and... Excited. Some might find his stare creepy, but I knew exactly what was coming for me. (Hah, and cumming, sooner or later.) Clearly, something about my expression had him... Hungry.
"Don't make that face at me. I might just break you."

Honestly, this wasn't even close to the worst crime I'd ever committed. Breaking into a convenience store for snacks.
"Hm.. I'll be nice." Vic muttered to himself, slapping five dollars and two nickels onto the counter as he grabbed a few bags of chips. See, he'd been smoking up. Now he was hungy. Vewwy hungy.
However when his eyes spotted a shelf full of condom boxes?
He handed me the chips. "Keep them safe-"
And with that, he began stuffing his pockets with the boxes, and even putting them in the waistband of his jeans. Twelve boxes later, he seemed satisfied. Then grabbed one more.
"Twenty bucks says we can use these up in a week-"
And I knew that was a challenge. "Prove it, Criss."
And he shot me a pointed look. Evil eyes.
"How about we start right now, baby?"

Oh god, oh god, oh god.
"Fuuuuck," the behemoth beneath me groaned, and I flickered up to him.
Now our current position was... Interesting indeed. Belch was laid back on a teacher's desk, and I was on top, able to feel his thicky sticky beneath me.
"Stop teasin' babe." he grunted out, and I leaned down to press a playful kiss to his five o' clock shadow. "Make me."
Oh boy, was that a mistake. I was hardly aware of what was happening when he suddenly
stood, walking quickly until I felt a desk beneath myself- him wedged between my thighs.
"What was that?"

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