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"Well maybe if you weren't so damn overprotective we wouldn't have this problem"
"What do you expect you my girl"
"I might be but I'm not your property!"
We stood In the kitchen screaming at each other. We were In yet another fight.
"And if you want to treat me like I am I'm done" I said as I started walking away I just couldn't take it anymore I couldn't even talk to a guy without Dallas getting super mad.
"So what your just gonna walk out on me like everyone else?"
I stopped walking and turned around.
"Now that's not fair."
"Your just like everyone else."
"You know that's not true you know that you are my entire world. I know that you know I love you more than I've loved anyone including myself. And even though it might not be much I know my worth and I no I don't deserve to be treated like SHIT!" Tears we're now flooding out of my eyes. He walked up to me and pulled me into a tight hug.
"I know I'm sorry, your not like them and I love you too." I could hear the sympathy in his voice. "And your worth a lot more than you know"

//I'm sorry if this is bad\\

Dallas Winston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now